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A Key Component To Your Online Business Success

Believe it or not organization is one of the most important elements for success when it comes to making money  online. I'm a kind of guy who likes things to be in order anyway, but I'll tell you about a few key secrets that I believe will contribute to your success online.

First and very important it's an absolute must that you keep your business finances separate from your personal finances. I recommend having 2-3 credit cards that you use for business purchases only.

Yes I'm a big fan of credit cards as long as you pay them off monthly. If you don't plan on paying off your business credit cards monthly, then you should plan for many headaches. That's all I'm going to say about that. Get just about any book on responsibly managing your finances from Amazon or your favorite bookstore and the author will say the same thing. Paying off your credit cards every month is just as important for your business as it is for your personal finances.

How To Get Traffic To Your Site

There are several ways to get traffic to your site. You can pay for your traffic or get it for free. I'd like to concentrate on free traffic.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your site is keyword optimized for the search engines. For a new site, using low competition words can help you to get placed high on some search engines and give you much needed targeted traffic. If you have a site with several categories, doing at least one optimization a day will slowly but surely build your business. With more than one category this gives you an opportunity to be placed on the search engine with each category and not just your front page.

Another way to help build targeted traffic and links to your site is a blog. You can have the blog linked to your site. If you update your site regularly and 'ping' your blog with one of the free pinging services, you will gradually build your traffic and business.

There are many sites that have free content that you can use on your blog. Once you've set up the blog and find the right ping service, this would only take you a few moments a day. When using free articles, be sure and use proper etiquette, giving the author credit for his writing.

The tried and true way to build 'free' traffic and links, is articles. You can write about anything you want or about the services or products your website distributes. If you're not able to write the articles yourself, there are a number of services available that can do it for you (you pay). Then post your article to as many directories as possible. Webmasters are constantly on the look out for good, new content.

The number of links to your site is critical in your placement with most search engines. Articles and a blog help build your site targeted traffic slowly. But to speed up your linking process, you could search and join some link exchange sites. The more links the better.

How To Start Making Money With Adsense

Adsense is considered as one of the most powerful tool in a website publisher's arsenal. It enables a person to monetize their sites easily. If used properly, it can generate a very large and healthy income for them. However if you are not using them rightly and just maximizing the income you squeeze from it, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table. Something all people hate doing.

How you can start earning money with Adsense can be done easily and quickly. You will be amazed at the results you will be getting in such a short period of time.

Start by writing some quality content articles which are also keyword incorporated. There are a lot of people given the gift of being good with words. Writing comes easy for them. Why not make it work in such a way that you will be earning some extra cash in the process.

There are actually three steps to put into mind before you begin writing your ads and having an effective Adsense.

Keyword search. Find some popular subjects, keywords or phrase. Select the ones which you think has more people clicking through. This is actually a keyword selector and suggestion tool that some sites are offering to those who are just theirAdsense business.

Writing articles. Start writing original content with keywords from the topics that you have achieved in your search. Take note that search engines are taking pride in the quality of their articles and what you will be writing should keep up with their demands.

Quality content site. Build a quality content site incorporated with Adsense ads that is targeting the subject and keywords of your articles and websites. This is where all that you've done initially will go to and this is also where they will prove their worth to you.

The proper positioning of your ads should be done with care. Try to position your ads where surfers are most likely to click on them. According to research, the one place that surfers look first when they visit a certain site is the top left. The reason behind this is not known. Maybe it is because some of the most usefulsearch engine results are at the top of all other rankings. So visitors tend to look in that same place when browsing through other sites.

Traffic Using Expiring Domains

Thousands of domain names expire everyday and can be used by others. If you want more traffic or want to resell the domains for profit, these expired ones can be a valuable resource.

An expired domain may have been used by one or more persons in the past. They may have designed a website, advertised it, linked it to search engines, done business deals on it and even had reciprocal link connections with other websites.

Why are valuable domains ever allowed to expire?

Many reasons, including but not limited to:

• Not enough funds to renew them
• Invalid contact e-mail address
• Loss of interest in online world
• Closing down of business
• Lack of knowledge about value of domain names
• Being away at time of domain renewal

There may have been any of the aforementioned reasons or any other cause, but whatever the case, the domain is now an available option for you. You can use it by designing a website on it or divert traffic to your existing website.

The main advantage of taking over an expired domain is the traffic. There may still be visitors who, on finding the better alternative offered by you, can redirect their business. It is not impossible to know the exact amount to expired traffic to a particular domain. However, the analysis of some specific aspects lets you gauge the amount of expired traffic. They are as follows :

This will give you an estimate of the number of portals or web pages that are linked to the expired domain. The more the number of links, the higher is the possibility of future traffic. Also, a higher link popularity betters the probability of quality traffic.

An Alexa toolbar keeps tabs on the number of hits for a domain and then awards a rank based on this. If the site has had no traffic for the past three months, it is automatically dropped by Alexa. So, look for an Alexa rank to get an idea about the number of visits and the domain's worth.


The PageRank is a value that Google gives to a web page, based on the number of and quality of incoming links.

The popularity of a web page is ranked on a scale of 1 to 10 and this is called a Google PageRank. This ranking system takes into account the number of quality web pages that have links to the web page. Normally the homepage of a web page would have the highest PageRank.

About PageRank, Google says:

"The heart of our software is PageRank(tm), a system for ranking web pages developed by our founders Larry Page and surgery Brin at Stanford University. And while we have dozens of engineers working to improve every aspect of Google on a daily basis, PageRank continues to provide the basis for all of our web search tools."

A Google toolbar is required to obtain a Google PageRank. You can type in the website name in the address bar of your browser and get the PageRank.


A domain may have been indexed by search engines. The domain owner may have paid for registrations on search engines like Yahoo and LookSmart. A domain also may have been approved by a Dmoz editor. If you take over a domain, these listings are automatically transferred to you. You can do your own research by visiting these search engines and typing the full URL in the directories section. Your results page will show you whether the domain is listed with them or not.

An inclusion in the top search engines does not ensure continuous visits but it certainly increases the chances of receiving worthy traffic. If you do not want to use the domains yourself, you can easily turn it around and sell it. It will certainly be profitable if the domain is registered with the top ten search engines.

Free Internet Advertising

The Internet has created a whole new way for businesses to advertise their products and services. There are many ways to advertise on the web, but to many business owners the best Internet advertising is free Internet advertising.

Free classified ads are great ways for businesses to reach their potential customers. There are many free classified ads websites that give you the power to facilitate your marketing with features like classified ads submitter forms. The main benefit of these particular sites is that it's an extremely fast way to give your products and services valuable online exposure. Free Internet advertising is accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You can access your listing anytime and better yet, your customers can browse and shop whenever they choose. There are no downloads, no hidden charges or monthly fees, no contracts, sales charges or sign-up fees. These services are absolutely free.

Free Internet advertising is an easy and effective way for you to advertise on some of the best quality web sites, whenever you want and with no investment. To say the least, the possible benefits of free Internet advertising can perform miracles for your business. Most of these free Internet advertising companies give you three separate slots to advertise any product or service.

Millions of consumers use the Internet to shop and hire services. Free Internet advertising is the perfect way to reach this lucrative market, and start producing money. There is such an enormous audience on the Internet, that the likelihood of someone needing your product or service is very high. Some free Internet advertising services may even be specially suited to your particular type of product. Browse the web to shop around. Compare the benefits and services offered by each free Internet advertising site before you decide if it is the right avenue for your business. 
With features like the classified ads submitter, you can enjoy enormous exposure with instant results, and expand the volume of your sales virtually overnight. You may be able to access opt-in mail lists that are essentially spam-free bulk mailing lists, guaranteed one hundred percent legal. Opt-in email lists contain the names and email addresses of individuals who have offered this information, or "opted-in" to be included. These lists provide a very effective way to create personalized email to prospective clients.

Classified listings are a great way to build traffic to your website. People are always searching for great deals on specific services or products. Through free Internet advertising, you're able to target customers who are already inclined to buy a particular product or hire a certain service.

Free Internet advertising is easy, effective and of course, it's free. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Slicing The Pie With Direct Response Marketing

I didn't really do a lot of family dinners growing up as a sprightly-eyed jumping bean, just beginning to find my ways and means in this great world of ours. For me that meant great things.

For one, I was able to get in the me-time, that is so important to a developing young man, when all my friends needed to go in for dinner. Another thing that was rained down upon me like gifts from the heavens was my ability to be in charge of creating my own menus each day; the self empowerment I gained could not be overestimated. Finally, I really was able to take full advantage of not having to get involved with any direct conversations with irritating family members. This also was great, as it gave me an opportunity to develop my avoidance skills, such as: indirect statements and comments and solidly rooted passive aggressiveness.

This last unintended gift from a vacuum of family dinners has served me well, although at times it seems to me to be something like knowing Latin. It's an amazing and enviable talent, but, remains virtually useless without a counterpart with which to engage. For example, if my girlfriend wants to use her run-of-the-mill direct conversation skills and I want to pull the indirect-ace-up-my-sleeve out, it is not well received. I hate that and I need to find a girl who likes sweeping things under the rug; then we could really get things done. It'd be like holding majority control of both legislative houses.

I have noticed that I have begun to apply my disdain for direct conversations to anything direct. Such is the case with direct response advertising. You put me in front of a pile of direct response ads and tell me to start clipping coupons and we're going to have some serious filibustering. Our styles just conflict.

The point of this to those companies looking to advertise their businesses is this: advertising and specifically direct response advertising can only maximize its desired goals when the marketing is received by an appropriate and welcoming public. You need to know your audience, just like my girlfriend needs to know that I think that band-aids are better than solutions.

Pro And Profitable Website

A website is no longer an option but a necessity, a must for almost small businesses and home businesses in this vast communication era. Surfing the Internet, you will find a huge quantity of websites, and the point is that how to make your site distinguished and then profitable? You may curl your lips "we should not judge by the appearance" and "we'd better focusing on our products' quality" but in fact, hardly can a poorly designed website persuade potential consumers to open their wallets.

What do you need to do? Aim at your website!

1 – Make your website look professional:

Never think a website is all enough for your business. Maybe this was right a few years ago but now everything is changing. It must be a professional website. Why? Very simple, an ugly façade probably make consumers think your company is unreliable. But how to make it pro? Try to make your website simple and clear. Don't let your consumers take a long time to download (keep each page to no more than 40K and use thumbnail-sized photos with the descriptive texts), otherwise they will give up and try another site. If you sell many different items or many products just in one range, classify them in a wise way to make them easy to find. For example, if you sell softwares, try to divide them into many categories such as "DVD morpher", "MP3 morpher", "music morpher", etc. Then, in each category, focus on the smaller units: "basic version", "gold version", "diamond version" and so on.

2 – Make your website sound interesting:

Your website is for doing business, not for promoting a singer or a music band. I know that but music/sound/voice is also a key to lure your consumers. Try to have a look at a product tour or product demonstration in some certain websites, you will see how effectively music/sound/voice can promote your products!

You are wondering, "How can I do that?" Actually, it is also simple. With a software called "Voice Changer Software", you can change your real voices, do-it-yourself voice-overs, create different sounds, etc. to vivify your website.

3 – Impulse sales:

Have you ever noticed that candies and magazines are usually displayed near the check out counter in retailed stores or supermarkets? And cosmetic stores often have perfume near the cash register? Actually, they are some tactics that help increase sales by putting items that make good impulse buys in places that you pass through to get out of the store.

Some similar tactics can be used for your website. Always have a button "Buy now" but not to make it so blatant, you can create a small ad or short review or link and put it near the products.

You can also increase sales by letting consumers know some other adds-on or related products with one or two links in the order or thank you page.

4 – Build trust from your website:

To build trust between your company and consumers, you should make your contact list easy to find on your site with full of your company's information. You should also create a feedback form to let consumers express their thoughts about your products and services as well as all other comments and suggestions. Putting it on your site will form an impression of your company as it shows your care for your consumers.

5 – Keep an eye on emails, newsletters, etc:

The advantage of e-commerce is 24/7. You may attract consumers to search for your website and buy your products all the time. However, this also causes troubles. Maybe when you are sleeping in New York, a consumer in Beijing writes a complaint letter asking you to reply "immediately." I do not dare ask you not to sleep but suggest you should make your consumers happy by checking and replying emails within 24 hours or less. For newsletters, no need to be rush but you should keep them regularly in a timely fashion.

Now, check your website again! Does it need to change?

Test If You Need A Change In Job

How to know if you need a change in job? for example say you have a job. You get good pay and are happy with the work. You get regular promotions and are satisfied. Do you think that you need to change that job? No, because you are happy. What about the future? Where will you be after five years or ten years? If your present job is Ok for today, will it be Ok for future? Let us examine this.

Before finding out if you need a change in job, please find out your needs. What do you need from a job? Are you looking for a challenging job? Are you looking for a job that gives you opportunities to grow? Do you want a job that may pay less but you don't want to work very hard? Or you want to work very hard but are looking for a very fat paycheck? Please find out what are your expectations from a job.

Now find out what do you want from life. What are your life goals? do you want to retire after a certain time or want to work till you can? Are you looking for great wealth or great fame? What do you want from your life to feel satisfied?

Think about your life goals and find out if your job goals will help you achieve your life goals. Otherwise you have to rethink about both of them. Once you are sure about your desires from your job, find out if your present job will give you all that you are looking for. If yes, you have no need to change the job. Otherwise, you will have to look for a job that will help you achieve your major goals of life.

Business Plans - What Do They Include?

Ok... so you've finally reached that stage in the development of your home business to get started. You've done the research, you have a game plan and you're ready to go except for one small detail... you need money. Whether it comes from a loan or from investors it doesn't matter but you need a good dose of seed money to put all your hard work and planning into action. However, regardless of who hears your money pitch before they give you a dime they will want see your business plan.

Business Plan - What Is It?
A good way to think of a business plan is that's it's a document that provide answers to the type of questions anyone who may provide financing would like to know about your home business. You will not get outside funding without one, because the people giving you the funding will insist on one because it helps them to know that you've thought through what you're proposing to do. A business plan says to them... "I've considered this from every angle, and here's what I've come up with".

Business Plan - What Does It Include?
What is your product or service? This is the first question every business plan should answer. You must explain in the clear, concise language what in the world you plan to produce or what service you plan to provide. You will also want to include why you've chosen this particular product or service.

Who are Your Customers? After you've explained your product or service, the next step is to identify who you plan to sell your product or service too and why. The demographics (age, sex, language, country, state or city, income, etc.) You need to clearly identify your customers in order to properly target your advertising, packaging, pricing, et.

What Makes You Different? You need to identify the "primary factors" that will make your business different than other businesses you'll be competing with. What niche are you filling that they are not or what do you plan to do to fill a particular void in the market that you've identified?

What are Your Expenses? Your start-up expenses include any equipment that you need before you can get up-and-running, while your day-to-day expenses are staff costs and supplies.

Following is a Simplified Example of Business Plan
This a a simplified and shortened version of a business plan. In the real world... each one of the following sections would be 1 - 2 pages in length. That being said... in most instances it's better to be as brief as possible. Only add information if your potential backers request it. It's a bad idea to go into too much detail in your plan. You're not trying to explain everything down to the nth detail, just the basics of the business and why they should give you the money you need to launch it. And always focus on profit.

Catering Plus
Nature of Business: The business will be a home-based catering company, producing luxury food for special occasions such as birthdays and weddings. We will provide a comprehensive catering service, while specializing in high end customized cakes, which have a higher profit margin than other foods.

Target Market: Our catering business will be aimed at middle-class customers who desire a top-of-the-line catering but must operate on a budget. Our initial market area will consist of Mytown and the affluent area of Theretown.

Key Factors: We will only use commerical grade ingredients purchased from wholesalers and provide top quality design and service. This will allow us to provide food that looks tastes great, while keeping costs as low as possible.

Expenses: Beause I will be using my kitchen and making the food myself, there are only two real expenses: The purchase of an industrial grade mixer and then the day-to-day cost of supplies. I've attached a suppliers' letter listing prices. Our research has shown that this supplier offers the best value for start-ups.

To wrap it up, you should include a breakdown of both projected profit and loss per month (in graph form)for the first year in business. Show one-time and day-to-day expenses versus projected profit to indicate how you will pay-off your loan. Your business plan should show you making enough of a profit each month to live on – if it doesn't, then it may be considered unfeasible.

Study a Few Real-World Business Plans
The best way to get a real a feel for the dos and do nots of a business plans is to find real-world plans that have already been approved and study them. A good place to start is the internet. Once you've studied a few, you will get a better feel for how much work will be involved in putting your business plan together. Remember, until your business exists for real, the business plan is the only tool you have to sell prospective backers on how great your business is going to be.


Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life.

Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don't have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits. And you don't even have to be in a special place to practice it. You could even try it in your own living room!

Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris and prepares it for a higher quality of activity.

The negative thoughts you have those of noisy neighbors, bossy officemates, that parking ticket you got, and unwanted spam are said to contribute to the 'polluting' of the mind, and shutting them out is allows for the 'cleansing' of the mind so that it may focus on deeper, more meaningful thoughts.

Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch and try to detach themselves from the commotion around them. You may now focus on a deep, profound thought if this is your goal. It may seem deafening at first, since we are all too accustomed to constantly hearing and seeing things, but as you continue this exercise you will find yourself becoming more aware of everything around you.

If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening those with impossibly arched backs, and painful-looking contortions you need not worry. The principle here is to be in a comfortable position conducive to concentration. This may be while sitting cross-legged, standing, lying down, and even walking.

If the position allows you to relax and focus, then that would be a good starting point. While sitting or standing, the back should be straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is slouching and falling asleep.

Loose, comfortable clothes help a lot in the process since tight fitting clothes have a tendency to choke you up and make you feel tense.

9 Ways to Increase Business Profits Quickly and Easily

Many business owners who operate a business want as many clients as possible, both those who have just started their business and those who have owned one for a long time. They are, however, not fully utilizing all of their assets as they could be in order to achieve their desired results.

The objective of increasing business profits isn't only met by attracting more clients. There are several other reasons why a business doesn't make as much money as it should besides not having enough clients.

Here are a few simple, yet effective business coaching ideas that will help you unlock the hidden profits in business and also some reasons why things aren't operating at full potential as they should:

- Focus more time on the important matters - you may not have enough time available to boost your business, especially if you are the one who is serving clients on a regular basis. In this case, you should consider hiring somebody to help. Running a business takes a lot of work, so let the employees handle the day-to-day issues, while you take care of the important ones such as developing strategies for present and future growth. Set aside an hour each week to brainstorm ideas, implement strategies and nurture key business relationships.

- Carry out competitive intelligence on other businesses, especially the ones that are successful and emulate them. This doesn't mean copying whatever they do. Take the best parts of your competitor's business and apply them to your own. It is also very important to keep a close eye on the competition, regardless of the nature of your business. If you are running a restaurant, for example, you should inspect the services, the offers and the prices of the competition. By doing a little research on other businesses, you will be able to reorganize, improve your services, adjust the prices depending on the competition, as well as introduce new offers to your clients. By knowing what your competitors are up to, you will always be one step ahead of them.

- Spend less of your gross profit on overhead and ineffective marketing. Lease unused space in your office or warehouse. Track sales as a result of expense. Employ salespeople on a higher commission scale rather than a high base salary. Test and measure for effective marketing campaigns before dumping a ton of money on any marketing campaign that is doomed to fail from the start.

- Instead of competing on price, develop an ultimate strategic advantage. Emphasize the qualities that make your business stand out and create a whole new positioning in the industry. Find out what really matters to your clients by surveying them and give it to them.

- Talk with clients and find out if they are delighted or not. Ask for suggestions. Dissatisfied customers will not return, while a delighted client will refer others.

- Nurture existing clients. Instead of focusing on acquiring new customers, concentrate on nurturing and maintaining the clients that you already have! Make sure they are pleased with the services you provide for them and pay attention to their needs, desires and complaints. It is very important to establish and maintain good relations with your clients, as they are the ones who keep your business running.

Many business coaching companies encourage selling more to existing clients because it improves a business bottom line by increasing the lifetime value of a client. It also brings new clients, attracted by positive experiences from your delighted clients. Referrals lower your acquisition cost through word-of-mouth marketing and this also adds to business profits.

- Up sell other products/services. Selling extras is known to be a great method of increasing profits. For example, grocery stores strategically place many magazines and snacks near the checkout. People browse and buy these while waiting in line raising the average dollar sale with these extras. McDonald's is well-known for its up sell before a sale is completed by simply asking a simple question to add on more products (complete meal, fries, sundae, or apple pie).

- Increase your advertising - advertising is expensive but if things work well, the money will definitely return to you. You can also try to make the best use you can out of free advertising. Get the most out of promotions and limited offers, especially around holidays.

- Seek out business coaching advice. Having a comprehensive set of business strategies can help you further, by providing you with new efficient methods of increasing the profits of your business. To operate a business effectively long-term, most businesses will have to deploy several strategies in order to diversify their sources of leads and maximize their profitability through smart marketing, team building, and business process management

Exploring Home Based Income as a way of Life

I am a complete computer newbie, I lost my job, I am retired - NOW WHAT. Before the internet these last few statements were Stress Builders. Out comes the Resume, as we shell out hundreds of dollars passing out our doctored past life and experiences.

Interviews, Interviews, Humiliation, rejection and possibly - a few months later Jubilation, you found a job. This is the cycle we experience many times before the Big Day - Retirement. Now, you must learn a whole new lifestyle, The Art of Permanent Poverty.

You can break this habit, and start an entirely new Tradition. Building an online business and restructure your financial destiny beyond poverty. Send you kid to college, go on an extended vacation, it is not Freedom 55, it is Freedom Now. An entire lifestyle, sipping on the elixir of home income.

Alas, it is not easy, it is not simple and it will not be any type of Getting Rich Quick. Lifelong habits are not built this way, we grow 1 microsecond at a time, and we will build the habits of building our income from home exactly the same way.

First of all, we can learn anything, it is only a matter of circumstance. Our Human Condition prepares us to adapt to any circumstance, and we will change our habits if we must.
Keep in mind therefore that Poverty is the condition of our habits and comfort, and our freedom to choose is the very thing that keep us consistently poor.

First, we must change our habits and expectations. Building an income from home is a very different thing that you ever learned to do. You never learned it, you never did it. All you were ever trained to do, all of your habits were developed to WORK FOR THE RICH, or WORK FOR THE POWERFUL. This is why you are always poor.

So, the first task is to retrain your Habits to get comfortable earning an income from home.

The easiest way to do this will be listening to a Self Improvement Coach for 10 minutes every day. This will get you ready to build your income from Home. You can join thousands that are using this community center audio lab as a tool to build their habits and successful in achieving their financial security. If you have faith in meditation and mantras as a focusing tool to retrain your habits to adapt at building an income from home, you can click on Abundance.

This entire Community Center is attended by thousands daily, using the state of the art facility to meet and build their skills in achieving their objectives. Best of all. it is free. If you need a break, there is the Free Game Room, comics, cartoons, and Astrology to refresh yourself.

You will discover all the Financial Tools, a Stock Ticker and the latest Financial Tools to build your Financial income security from home - is all right there in the community center. It is all Right there at your Fingertips.

Now that you are building your habits to earn an income from home and getting comfortable with the idea, you may notice that it is getting easier to go online and do a little work. You may even get to like it. No stress, No forcing, No building displeasure from this new set of interests.

Go to google at, look up for an AFFILIATE Directory, and scan through all the companies that will pay you to help them get sales. Yep, that is the place to do it, so Bookmark that directory, it's your source of renewable income.

Select a few companies with similar products and services. Clickbank is one of these companies that have thousands of products to earn you a regular income. They will send you a check every 2 weeks, just like a JOB, except you are the Boss and you are Home.

You are taking the first few baby steps to earning an income from Home. You can look for marketing services that will pay you a recurring income like webdawg, or a hosting company that will pay you every month.

No matter, you are building The Income Side of earning an income from home. Make a list of all the Income Sources you have chosen, and next to each one - put a dollar figure you want to earn from each daily.

Like this - Clickbank - $100.00

Go down the list of income sources and set your target of daily earnings from each. Be conservative. Do Nothing else but this. Go to the community center, listen to some music, listen to Anthony, or mumble a mantra, and study your list of daily earning target.

Wait for a feeling of excitement from deep within, or something inside is telling you this is easy and you can do it. Wait until you are very convinced you can do it, then your mind, and your intellect is bonded to achieving it.

Now, you are ready to start earning an income from Home. So, let's do it. You need now a list of things to do every day that will build an infrastructure for your sales.

Again, go to Google and look for Free Traffic Networks. Make a list of Free Traffic Networks. Join Them. Each and Every Day Do this ...

Go down your List of Income Targets

Then, put on Anthony Robbins or your Favorite Song, and in another Browser -

Start Going down the list of each of your Traffic Generators and execute your List of targets.

Example :

For Search Engines - Submit each url on your Targeted Income List.
So on ... and on, until you are at the end of your Targeted Income List.

Then move to the next Free Traffic Generator and do the same ...

In conclusion, continue this practice each and every day, do not relent. In a short while, both your Habits, Your Actions and your concentrated series of actions will break down all the barriers, creating initially a trickle then a full river of income- all earned from home

Can you implement this simple plan, I bet you could.

Smile at your small victories, laugh at you huge accomplishment and give a full heart laugh after home income is simply a happy way of life.

Build a Home Business with a Minimal Investment

Working from home is a great way to earn an income while staying home with the kids and enjoying savings on gas, sitters, and inventory. You might even be considering your own home business. A home business can come in many shapes and forms. Let's explore the different types of home based businesses and how you can start your own home business with minimal investment.

Home Business Start-Up Ideas

There are several ways to start a home business. You can sell tangible products and keep an inventory on-hand in a warehouse, storage building, or even in a spare room of your home. You can offer a service that requires no inventory, only skill. You can sell informational products online in the form of e-books, password training sites, or e-newsletters. Or, you can find a home business opportunity in which a company or individual provides a proven blueprint for success based on their research and experience.

Home Business Investment

No matter what type of home business you are considering, an initial investment will likely be required. If you plan to sell a tangible product, you will have to invest in inventory, website design, and marketing. If you offer a service, you will need a website or local marketing campaign to promote your services. If you plan to join a home business opportunity, many of these require a start-up investment if they're legitimate.

The amount you invest should be based on what you can afford and how soon you feel it will return a profit. Don't over-estimate the potential of a business. It's best to expect less at the start, and rejoice later if the home business exceeds your expectations. What works quickly for one person might take much longer for you.

Consider your experience in the field and how well you understand marketing and promotion. Is it possible to start small with this endeavor until you see a profit on your bottom line? An investment that doesn't bring profits is lost forever. Think it through before taking a leap with your money.

Ups and Downs of an Internet Home Business

If you're a newbie on the Internet, it will take time to learn all the ins and outs of online marketing. The Internet is a great marketplace and provides many opportunities to earn money, but it's also a very competitive market. It has grown so large that popular products and services can be difficult to promote. Explore niche markets to find popular products or services that few companies are offering. Use the search engines to find out how many companies are offering the service or products. Then, be sure there is a demand for what you plan to offer. A small demand online can still mean thousands of potential customers!

The good news is you can start an Internet home business fairly cheaply. Websites, once designed, can be hosted for very low monthly fees. You don't have to pay rent for a building or high utility bills. You'll avoid landscaping costs, heavy equipment maintenance (except your computer), and sometimes even high local taxes.

Learn from Others

If you're uncertain about how to get started with an Internet home business, find a home based business opportunity that offers detailed instructions on how to promote and earn profits. Many gurus have found business formulas that work well and they are willing to share these with you.

There are websites that research home businesses to find lucrative opportunities, and you can usually try their offerings for a minimal investment. You might be surprised at how simple it is to start your own home business online.

Success in Business!

Here is a secret that may be difficult for you to believe, so prepare yourself. It is an extremely important secret that can have a most profound impact on your small business success, or it's failure.

Let's start by asking a simple question...Do you enjoy sales?

The truth of the matter is that when many small business owners are asked this question, they respond with answers like, "No way" or "I can't stand sales, let someone else do it."

Why is your answer to the above question so important? No doubt you have seen headlines like the following, which glorify how easy and simple it is to succeed in business:

"The Ultimate Lazy Way To Start Your Own Business"

"Cash In On A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry In Your Underwear"

"Easily Generate A Lucrative Income While Sleeping"

We are constantly being bombarded with these "easy ways" to make a million bucks. Does success in business actually work this way? Not in reality! Is it realistic? Not even close!

The bottom line in operating a successful long-term business comes down to your ability to sell your product period. It doesn't get any simpler than that. You can either sell your own product or resell somebody's else's product. Either way, your success or failure will ultimately depend on your ability to market it. If you don't enjoy sales, you have very little chance to succeed in business for yourself.

The most prevalent attitude of many new business owners is that their product, once launched, will miraculously sell itself. After all, the product is awesome and everybody will absolutely, positively want one. People should be lining up to buy it, right?

Here is another truth about sales. It will take 5-7 sales attempts to close 80% of your sales. Yes, you read that correctly. That's 5-7 attempts before people will say "Yes, I want to buy your product." Running an advertisement one-time or making a sales pitch to a potential customer once in a while does not qualify as effort. Hearing that first "no" and subsequently giving up means the demise of your business and gives someone else an opportunity to turn that NO into a YES.

What most people don't realize or fail to accept is that it may take weeks, months or even years to get a product to sell according to your expectations. You may have to frequently change your sales pitch, web site, advertisement or even the product until you get it right. This dedication and determination is what separates the very few successful business owners from the many "wannabes" and fly-by-night hopefuls.

The bottom line is that to be successful in ANY business you will need talent and the ability to sell, sell, sell.

Earn $400-$700 a Day Working Just 60mins

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.
Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.
I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.
I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!
Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,

Home Business Solutions for Earning a Residual Income

Starting a home business is a huge step. Maybe you want to earn an extra income, extra spending money, or begin supporting your entire family with a home business. Either way, there are many home business solutions to choose from, and also many different ways to make money online.

Earning a Residual Income with Home Business Solutions

One way to build wealth from home is to begin building a residual income from one or more home business sources. A residual income is money you earn on a continual basis just from one customer or one sale. The more customers you obtain, the more ongoing income you'll have each month.

For example, you sign up with an online educational company that offers ongoing training. Students who sign on with this company pay a monthly fee. You earn a residual income each time the fees are paid for each student you sign up. The educational company receives new students, and you receive ongoing commissions. It's a win-win situation for both!

Another example of a residual income is when you sell Internet-related services that require a monthly or yearly payment, such as web hosting, domain name registration, Internet marketing services or custom web design services. These are only a few examples, but the Internet offers many "work from home" opportunities such as these where you can earn money month after month, year after year.

Finding the Right Home Business Solution

Now that you realize the potential of earning a residual income, it's time to find the right home business solution for you. Consider the amount of time, effort and money you'll be able to invest in your new home business. How much time can you dedicate to work from home? Do you work a full-time job right now? Are you on a very tight budget?

A home business will not build itself, but there are companies that will help you build your home business and even provide a website with all the resources you need. Some will even "make the sale" for you. The only drawback is that many of these home business solutions require a monetary investment. So, be sure it's the right business for you before investing.

Use Web Resources for Research

Thankfully, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips with the Internet. You can take your time and research "work from home" opportunities right from your own home any time of the day.

Find a reputable home business directory to search out profitable "work from home" solutions. There are directory websites that take special time and care to list only legitimate home business solutions so you won't have to sift through the good and the bad, and take unnecessary risks. Using a dependable directory will protect you from scams and keep your investment safe.

Warning: You should never sign on with a company and invest your money unless you've checked out the company and its background and history thoroughly. Be sure that you are dealing with a well-established company beforehand.

More Ideas for Earning a Residual Income

Here are some other possible home business solutions for earning a residual income. Choose a home business that you'll enjoy, and don't be afraid to try several at once. You might be surprised at the type of businesses that are successful online!

* MLM business.
* Internet marketing groups.
* Niche business start-ups.
* Working mom groups.
* Providing clerical services for others.
* Freelancing (writers, web designers, programmers, graphic designers, and so forth).
* Selling e-books on a variety of subjects.

Once you select one or a few of these ideas, evaluate the potential and your ability to achieve each one. Determine if these will fit in with your time and budget. Find others in the same fields and ask for pointers on getting started. Other successful business owners are usually very happy to help. Also, research through the search engines to find out how much income others are earning with the same or similar businesses. Once you've done research, it's time to get started.

There are many opportunities for the stay-home mom or the dad who would like to be home with the family too! The home business solutions listed above can be applied to a variety of skills and talents you may possess. Unlock your earning potential today!

Work from home with a Virtual Office

Increasing workloads are forcing people to spend more time in the office, even when the office is at home. This means that many parents are unable to stay involved in their children's lives as they develop, and are becoming
mere spectators instead of loving role models. The result is an undermining of their relationships, higher stress levels, a lack of balance and a generally unfulfilled life.
However, this should not be the case. Working at home allows greater freedom and independence and should result in less time being wasted. Yet many of us fail to successfully make this transition. Discipline is a key factor when running a business from home using a virtual office.
Here ways you can successfully work from home and enjoy the benefits using a Virtual Office. Establish a routine - Structure your day so that it is both purposeful and productive. Decide on a starting and finishing time for your day; allow for breaks so that you work smarter, not harder. Doing this will also allow you
to better differentiate between work and home, and will encourage you to be more professional.
Focus on your strengths, outsource your weaknesses - Spend the maximum amount of time working on the parts of your business that you are best at. If your billable time is worth $200 an hour, then make sure you spend most of your time on the activities that will produce that for you.
Investing in a virtual office is key (see Virtual Offices. Avoid filling up your day with non-productive activities. Invest your time and money into the right areas of your business; don't just keep yourself busy.
Organise your environment - Have the right tools and systems to work with - an appropriate chair, desk, computer, filing system. In addition, using a Virtual Office, meeting clients in an executive boardroom in a sky rise office building, will show your professionalism and will inspire confidence in you.
Declutter the clutter - A messy working environment which forces you to be continuously spending valuable time searching for things, whether files and emails on the computer or documents in filing cabinets and cupboards,
cumulatively wastes hours a day. In fact The Wall Street Journal found that the average white collar worker spends 6 weeks a year looking for things around the office! Clutter is distracting and causes stress, and it is the primary enemy of productivity.
Learn to say 'no' - Inform your family and friends of your working hours and that because you're working from home doesn't mean you're 'available'. If you were in a corporate office, you would not allow your friends to drop by. Enforce these same rules at your office at home.
Network to expand your business and your mind - Join local networking groups to meet other like-minded business people. Share knowledge and discover new
ways of doing things. Check out your local council and chamber of commerce. Enquire about active small business networks. Join your own trade association
and share ideas. An organised business referral group can also be of enormous benefit to the home based business owner.

Take time out for you - It can be easy to lose yourself in your work. Take time to 'smell the roses' and to make human contact. Go for a walk every day. Have a weekly or fortnightly massage. Visit the gym more often.
It's generally the simple ideas when acted upon consistently that will make a dramatic impact overall in your business and your life. You'll feel happier
and more fulfilled. You'll also discover extra time in the day that you never had before.
Working from home couldn't be easier with the use of a Virtual Office.

Business For Pleasure

We might be in the electronic gaming era, but it's more like a fun game of  Monopoly this business for pleasure of sport franchise ownership. The stakes are high, spending free, and visible worries few.

Despite the escalating fees for entry into the game, personal franchise ownership hasn't been replaced by corporations. Of 121 big league professional sports franchises, only 15 have found their way into corporate hands. Most owners claim to be losing money which would explain takeover shyness of shareholder controlled companies. It's nicer to think sole owners don't want to sell because sports ownership is too much fun. A nice break from the normal business routine that brought them their wealth in the first place.

What are these businesses worth?

Unlike traditional industry, sport franchises derive their value from their ability to generate revenue. There are several reasons for this. Within a league, other owners are not the competition. Operating expenses are comparable one team to another. Revenues tend to move in relation to on field performance, the size of the venue, and home market size. Sharing in lucrative national broadcast rights is equal across an entire league.

Depending upon the sport, estimated values vary considerably but, within a given league and except for a few exceptions, franchise values are fairly closely grouped.

NFL franchises are greatest in value, topped by Washington Redskins, the first sport franchise in America to exceed $1 billion in value. Football is so far ahead of other sports, of the 33 top franchises, 32 are football. Only the Yankees, interrupt the string. Still, the lowest valued NFL team, Arizona Cardinals, is a tidy half billion.

Los Angeles Lakers, the jewel of the NBA are worth $500 million, putting them in a bracket more or less similar to the Dodgers and Mets of MLB. You could trade the top 8 NFL teams to acquire the entire NBA. That works out to something like $7.6 billion.

The first NHL team is well down the list at $270 million for the Detroit Red Wings but, that's still $15 million more than the Tigers. In fact, the 2 to 300 million range represents the most common price tag in sports. There's a good mix of 40 NHL, NBA, and MLB teams all in that grouping.

The truth is that anything, sports franchise or otherwise, is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. The allure of sport team ownership is the true value.

Choosing the One that's Right for You

Whether to make extra money or in lieu of a full-time job, a considerable number of people are looking for home business opportunities. There are many possible ways to make money on the Internet from your home computer. You don't need to invest in new office equipment, fancy offices or other expensive items to get started.

Set Your Own Schedule

One of the biggest advantages in work at home jobs is the ability to set your own schedule. You can schedule your work hours around other activities or needs that you have. With home business opportunities, you can work as little or much as you want. If you need a full-time income you can spend more time working than if you are working part time.

When you are looking for a home based business opportunity, you should think about what you would like to do. Your business will likely be more successful if it is something you enjoy. If you are thinking of quitting a job you don't like to work at home, don't jump into something that does not suit you. Think of things that interest you and look for a prospect in those areas.

Home Based Business Opportunities that Suit You

Find a home business opportunity that fits your lifestyle and personality. You can make good money by selling products for others on your own time. Find a company that allows you to enter at an affordable level and then allows you to work your way up.

If you have a unique product to sell, use network marketing to promote it. You can set up your own website or have another company do it for you. Make your product available on the Internet and use online advertising to generate sales. Look for new places to promote your site and keep building your business.

If you do not think you would enjoy or be good at selling, find a job that offers your services in another way. There are many online sites to help you find a way to use your services. You can do telephone polls, complete surveys, assemble products, clerical work, and working on eBay.

Find a Business Opportunity Online

There are online sites that will help you get started in several kinds of home business opportunities. They can set up your website and get you started. There is no pressure to work long hours. You can devote as much time as you want to working. The potential is there for you to make as much money as you want.

Most services and home business opportunities do not require prior experience. That is what makes it such a great opportunity to anyone who wishes to make money on the Internet. If you would like to be your own boss and build financial security, look for a home business opportunity that will help you reach your goal.

Global Business to Business Marketplace

Most latest and significantly useful way of trade prevailing in market is Global B2b Marketplace. It is a trade portal through which buyers and suppliers of various goods and services come together in a virtual trade show. These trade shows are conducted as either regular trade shows or online trade shows.

The companies today jointly are coming with this concept of fusing at a common place for the convenience of each other. The primary focus is to facilitate trade at various levels i.e.
• Manufacturing level
• Import level
• Export level
• Wholesale level

It is a two way process in which the buyers will find the worlds most reputable suppliers and vice versa at one common ground.

Buyers Consideration: Every buyer is in search of supplier who has the capability and the facility to meet his procurement needs. To fulfill these criteria each one is struggling globally. But with the coming of this new concept of trading, it is a blessing to find varied range of suppliers under one roof. The suppliers who match ones consideration can be contacted directly.
In case of online trade shows an email can be triggered when new goods or services listing appears. Benefits of buying including detailed company profile, product information, List of industry association, multiple quotations, etc.

Suppliers Consideration: B2B Marketplace acts like a hub for various suppliers to promote their products by providing detailed information about their offering through catalogs. The more of the displayed visibility translates increased awareness about the company and the potential for entry in untapped markets which inurns increases the sale pattern. It appears like an opportunity for suppliers to get noticed by global buyers through enhanced exposure.

Companies through out the world get themselves registered for such shows. They are required to provide complete information about themselves starting from true name, postal address, phone, fax, e mail address, registration content etc.

Key Points

• Suppliers can provide world class products to their customers at good prices and one can find manufacturers and suppliers that one can trust to deliver best quality at the best price on time.
• It is very cost effective way to connect with the whole lot of trading units throughout the world.
• One may find thousands of credible suppliers to compete for ones business. This makes the quality and price comparison easier and much simpler across the range of suppliers in seconds.
• It is the most appreciable and quickest key to global trade.

How to blog your way to success?

 Blog is a short of "weB LOG" or a method of storing any kind of information online. Such organized informational posting and archiving was named "Blog".By the form Blog represents an updated web-site of current and archived posts. A dead-simple concept turned out to be extremely powerful in terms of satisfaction of Internet community needs.
People online look for fresh, relevant information on a certain topic and this is where Blogs come into arena and win that battle for a visitors' attention hands-down.
They give you exactly what you need - targeted, updated information on any given topic, with an access to archive, search functions and even some sort of interactive experience as you can usually read comments of other visitors and participate in a small discussion like on a message board.
Why Blog can be just the perfect solution you have been looking for and how it can solve massive publishing problems at once. Here is why Blog can be your website and money-making system in one:
1. Blog is a simple CMS (Content Management System). It helps you solve hundreds of little hassles webmasters were forced to waste months before in order to solve each of them such as means of easy creating new pages with automatic cross-linking and archiving functions, installing visitor feedback script, managing and updating navigational menu, republishing RSS feeds and creating own feed and so on.
2. Built-in promotion. RSS feed is also a great viral marketing tool by itself. You don't have to stuff your head with "how-to-make-my-content-viral" problems any "traditional" website webmaster faces.
As a Blog publisher you use the same RSS feed as a way of syndicating your Blog content for any other websites. What they need is adding your RSS feed to their Feed rendering software. The technology is highly popular, so you will not have any problems with that.
Just add your RSS feed to a number of Blog Directories, ping (notify) Blog servers each time you make a new post (a common built-in feature for almost all Blogs) and in 90% case it will be enough to start your marketing ball rolling plus reassure fast search engine indexing.
3. Built in RSS (Atom) feeds are considered by many to be the ideal solution for all SPAM and filters problems of "traditional" email marketers.
RSS feeds are updated automatically as soon as you make a new post to your Blog. No more troubles with managing "email lists", subscribers, unsubscribers, email filters, HTML forms, SPAM complaints, follow-ups and so on and so forth. Forget about it. RSS will help you do everything, including follow-ups and even email courses publishing. The difference, and many consider it to be the true benefit, is that RSS uses so-called "pull" method of delivering a message. Unlike "traditional" email, you don't have to send (push) anything to anybody. When you publish a new post, your RSS feed updates automatically, pings syndicating websites with a new Blog post and notifies (or not) your RSS subscribers about your new post, so they can load (pull) it and read.
That is how RSS solves SPAM emails and SPAM filters problems with one stone. Your subscribers just don't receive anything to be complained or worried about. They just personally subscribe to your RSS feed (no one can subscribe for them) with their special RSS reader program (RSS aggregator, available free everywhere on the net). Then they periodically and mostly automatically load your new Blog posts. If they don't like it, they just remove your RSS feed from their RSS feed aggregator software and that's all. Unlike email you cannot "push" your post to their RSS soft without their wish. Depending on set options, they need to manually, semi-automatically or automatically load your Blog post themselves.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against email. Quite the contrary, at some point, when you feel that you have a lot of spare time because of advantages that RSS brings, I strongly advise you to add email marketing to your arsenal. It does help you out in some special occasions. It is just you won't rely on email as the only money-making resource and will use it professionally as a great add-on instrument, limiting its possible negative effects.
From what you can see, blogs are perfect and simple software machines to run and maintain your informational business. They proved their efficiency in small niche markets as well as multilevel blog systems generating stable income for their glad owners. You can be one of them.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to guides on publishing, self-publishing, e-book publishing, article writing and related information, do please browse for more information at our websites.

Affiliate Marketing Make Your Living Online

Affiliate marketing's been a staple of the internet marketing scene for many years now. It's highly touted as a money maker for newbies and experienced marketers alike. But does it really pay to be an affiliate marketer? Let's take a look to learn more...

Basically affiliate marketing's an agreement between a web site owner and a merchant. The web site owner's actually an advertiser for the merchant or product creator. The agreement is a contract between the two parties that stipulates that the site owner can use various methods including the space on his site to promote the merchants goods. The merchant meanwhile agrees to pay a percentage of each sale generated through the affiliates personalized link.

This benefits both sides because the product creator spends nothing to advertise their goods and the affiliate pays nothing to research and develop new products.

This creates a win-win situation.

The product creator wins by saving money on advertising, which is one of the most costly aspects of doing business, by passing this cost on to affiliates. Basically it's a pay-per-performance deal because the merchant doesn't accrue any costs until the sale's made and the merchant pays the specified commission.

The affiliate marketer wins by being able to sell an already developed product, thus saving the time and money on the front end by not having to deal with R&D and product creation. The product is already developed and proven by the merchant, and all you have to do as an affiliate is find as many prospects as you can that will bring in the profit for both the merchant and yourself. 

Another benefit to the affiliate is that most programs are free to join and have pre-made sales material so your marketing experience doesn't have to be that of an expert.

Probably the biggest benefit to being an affiliate marketer on the internet's the internet itself.

Because of the global reach of the internet it's very easy to reach tens of thousands of prospects for almost any type of product line. It's also very easy to intensify your efforts as an affiliate marketer to exploit new and productive strategies such as viral marketing, ebooks, special reports and autoresponders.

Lastly, as an affiliate marketer you get to pick and choose between many different products to promote. You're not married to a specific product or even a specific product type. Your risks are minimal because there are no long term binding contracts so if one product doesn't bring in a profit you can quickly and easily replace it with another.

All in all affiliate marketing's still an excellent way to earn income from the internet. Perform your due diligence, find a hungry market, find a good product and go for it! 

The Value Of Web Directory

Web directories are an important component to search engine positioning. Directories come in all shapes and sizes, some are generic, while others are highly specialized. Directories, are defined as categorized topics or collections of information organized into a tree like structure where categories are used to define each groups association.

Large directories like Yahoo tend to have general themes and may charge for listings. While smaller niche directories like offer free listings and profit from advertising revenue or pay per click models like Google AdSense.

Being listed in a directory not only brings in targeted traffic, it provides a one-way link from a website with similar content. Directories are generally highly ranked in search engines, and are considered well respected resources, two traits that are desirable in link partners.

While smaller directories that focus on a specific niche might generate less traffic, the quality of the traffic from a niche site is usually highly targeted and will be superior to that generated from general search engines.

If you are selling fire alarms, traffic from yahoo will be less qualified than traffic from Alarm Tools, . Most visitors to Alarm Tools will have a genuine interest in alarms and alerting systems. The nature of highly specialized directories result in visitors who have a serious interest in the directories theme, or a at the very least an interest in a theme related to the directory.

As a result, web publishers need to make a conscience effort not to ignore the value of directory listings. Regardless of their size, a related niche directory listing can be extremely valuable.

Many directories offer sponsorship opportunities. Vendors can optionally purchase sponsorship to increased their exposure with a bold listing or top category listings.

Determining a Directories Value
It is difficult to assess the value of directory listing, as there is an obvious advantage to a listing of a closely related theme directory that is difficult to measure and quantify. In general, webmasters can use common web guidelines to determine the popularity of a directory and assess the directory link's value

To assess the value of a web directory, consider the PageRank of the webpage where the link placement of your site will occur. The PageRank is indicative of how important Google may find a specific page. Another reliable third party measuring tool is Alexa. The Alexa ranking provides insight into how popular a website is. In general, a link from a web page containing a PageRank of 5 or higher is considered very good. A link from a site in Alexa's top 100,000 is also generally very desirable.

Compare the following two directories' Monitoring Tools and RSS Specifications . Monitoring Tools' main page has a PageRank of 5 but most internal pages that contain links have low page ranks and the overall Alexa ranking of the site is over 650,000. While RSS Specification's claims a main Google PageRank of 6 and subpages all contain a minimum of a 5 for PageRank, the overall site is ranked 32,000. Clearly if you are in the syndication business, RSS Specification's would be a very desirable link partner, while you would have to weigh the cost benefit and position of a link fromMonitoring Tools.

To determine a sites PageRank without downloading the Google Toolbar, use the following online tool from RustyBrick . A website's Alexa ranking can be found by entering the URL into Alexa .

It is recommended that PageRank and Alexa ranking be only used as a guide when determining a directories reputation. It is important not to get too caught up in either Google PageRank or Alexa Ranking as webmasters can use "tricks" to artificially inflate their numbers.

The bottom line, links from directories that are small but niche, can provide quality web traffic.