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How to Boost Traffic of Your Blog

With the Internet spreading like wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.
Imagine a website without any text and completely overloaded with pictures. Well Blogs serve as an unstoppable entity in today's scenario for online promotion and branding. They are the latest selling mantra for websites. Many businesses, manufacturers and wholesalers use blogs to promote their products, services.
Social interest groups also use blogs for airing their opinion on important issues.
Writing catchy blogs is an art as much as developing a website.

So how do you Make Your Blog Popular?
Now that I've explained the benefits of blogs, the important question is how to make your blog popular and attract wild floods of traffic to your blog.
Listed below are some valuable tips that will enable you to become a successful blogger and attract increased traffic to your blog.

1. Write what your target audience wants
One thing you have to understand is this, that writing articles for a newspaper or magazine is completely different from writing for the Internet.
A blogger should keep this mind and strictly adhere to the principles of online copywriting to make your headlines and copy appeal to the to the people viewing it.
Unlike writing for print media, writing for blogs is very different because web traffic is very impatient and any thing less appealing is not likely to generate any interest by the people viewing it. Blog posts that captivate reader's mind and that are understandable, share good ranking from search engine optimizers as well as from the readers. Make sure that your posts stick to one topic and the topic should be burning and topical.
Remember to write at least one post a day to make the visitors keep coming back to your blog for more.

2. Search Engine Optimization
Make sure your blog posts are keyword rich.
Write blogs around the in-demand keywords for your subject. This enhances the visibility of your blogs on the search engines, thereby increasing your success rate.
Also adhere to following norms:
*Your blog URL must contain the primary keyword to increase your search engine ranking.
*Primary keywords that you use in the URL should also be included in the title of your post.
*The body of your post should have sufficient secondary keywords.
*The anchor text of links in the body of text should also contain keywords.

3. Make use of The Blog Services
By doing so, you prompt the visitors to visit your blogs on a regular basis.
Pinging the blog services gives you a practical option make your readers aware of the fact that you've updated your blog so they can come and check out the updates and latest information.

4. Advertise Your Blog
Make your posts known to potential visitors.
You can achieve this by:
*Creating a buzzword for your blog or its topic
*Introduce some complimentary gifts/stickers along with your blog's URL and tag line.
*Write a newsworthy press release as an addendum to your blog topic.

Thus, by following the above tips you would be able to drive floods of traffic to your blogs.
The more readers you have viewing your blogs the more traffic you will generate for your website and profits.

Useful tips and forms of advertising

The main aim of advertisers is to communicate and influence the prospective customers to buy a particular brand's product. Often they also advertise in order to improve the brand image. For this purposes every major medium and advertising tool is used to deliver their message. Some of the key mediums like television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet and billboards are used extensively. To advertise, a company usually appoints an advertising agency or advertising industry to send their message across.
Commonly, advertisements are seen on carts, airport, on the sides of buses, buss shelters, etc. Advertisements are cleverly placed at places where viewers can easily and regularly access visual, audio and printed information.
Mentioned below are some forms of advertising:
Advocacy Advertising: This type of advertising is done mainly for economic, political, or social issues. Advocate Advertising can be in the form of advertisement, message, or public communication. The aim of advertising through this medium is planned campaign to convince public and form their opinion on a specific issue.

Comparative Advertising: Comparative advertising works on comparison. One brand is directly or indirectly compared with another or even more conflicting brands. Major industries like airlines and automobile manufacturers these days use this technique.

Cooperative Advertising: Sharing is the key component here. Two parties share their advertising costs in this type of advertising.

The Economics of Spam

Tennessee resident K. C. "Khan" Smith owes the internet service provider EarthLink $24 million. According to the CNN, in August 2001 he was slapped with a lawsuit accusing him of violating federal and state Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statutes, the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 and numerous other state laws. On July 19, 2002 - having failed to appear in court - the judge ruled against him. Mr. Smith is a spammer.

Brightmail, a vendor of e-mail filters and anti-spam applications warned that close to 5 million spam "attacks" or "bursts" occurred in June 2002 and that spam has mushroomed 450 percent since June 2001. This pace continued unabated well into the beginning of 2004 when the introduction of spam filters began to take effect. PC World concurs.

Between one half and three quarters of all e-mail messages are spam or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email) - unsolicited and intrusive commercial ads, mostly concerned with sex, scams, get rich quick schemes, financial services and products, and health articles of dubious provenance. The messages are sent from spoofed or fake e-mail addresses. Some spammers hack into unsecured servers - mainly in China and Korea - to relay their missives anonymously.

Starting in 2003, malicious hackers began using spam to install malware - such as viruses, adware, spyware, and Trojans - on the unprotected personal computers of less savvy users. They thus transform these computers into "zombies", organize them into spam-spewing "bots" (networks), and sell access to them to criminals on penumbral boards and forums all over the Net.

Spam is an industry. Mass e-mailers maintain lists of e-mail addresses, often "harvested" by spamware bots - specialized computer applications - from Web sites. These lists are rented out or sold to marketers who use bulk mail services. They come cheap - c. $100 for 10 million addresses. Bulk mailers provide servers and bandwidth, charging c. $300 per million messages sent.

Anarchy as an Organizing Principle

The recent spate of accounting fraud scandals signals the end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic ideological shift from laissez faire and self regulation to state intervention and regulation. This would be the reversal of a trend dating back to Thatcher in Britain and Reagan in the USA. It would also cast some fundamental - and way more ancient - tenets of free-marketry in grave doubt.

Markets are perceived as self-organizing, self-assembling, exchanges of information, goods, and services. Adam Smith's "invisible hand" is the sum of all the mechanisms whose interaction gives rise to the optimal allocation of economic resources. The market's great advantages over central planning are precisely its randomness and its lack of self-awareness.

Market participants go about their egoistic business, trying to maximize their utility, oblivious of the interests and action of all, bar those they interact with directly. Somehow, out of the chaos and clamor, a structure emerges of order and efficiency unmatched. Man is incapable of intentionally producing better outcomes. Thus, any intervention and interference are deemed to be detrimental to the proper functioning of the economy.

It is a minor step from this idealized worldview back to the Physiocrats, who preceded Adam Smith, and who propounded the doctrine of "laissez faire, laissez passer" - the hands-off battle cry. Theirs was a natural religion. The market, as an agglomeration of individuals, they thundered, was surely entitled to enjoy the rights and freedoms accorded to each and every person. John Stuart Mill weighed against the state's involvement in the economy in his influential and exquisitely-timed "Principles of Political Economy", published in 1848.

Undaunted by mounting evidence of market failures - for instance to provide affordable and plentiful public goods - this flawed theory returned with a vengeance in the last two decades of the past century. Privatization, deregulation, and self-regulation became faddish buzzwords and part of a global consensus propagated by both commercial banks and multilateral lenders.

How To Avoid Getting Fooled

Beware of the three ways of getting fooled into giving up your money through seemingly innocent money-making schemes. Scams are all around us and it can be found in every single area of life, but more so in such areas where the risk is greater such as when dealing with credit cards, bank accounts and other activities which involve sending or receiving money online.

The Bank/Credit Card Email Scam:
If you get an email asking you to sign up to your bank account or credit card through the email because your privacy is under danger or just to receive a free gift or something: BEWARE! Do not sign up through the internet address provided in the email. If the email does make you anxious, go to the bank or credit card site using the address you know already or through searching the search engines.
How Does This Scam Work?
The senders of the email know that only a very few will sign up but that is all they need. When you signed up to the bogus internet address, they got your user and password. Now its time for them to party!

The Missing Millionaire Scam:
If you receive an email saying that they represent a dead or missing former ruler, high-ranking official or businessman from an African, Gulf or even Russian: BEWARE! They offer you a chance to earn anything between one to five percent of ten to fifty million. And for your co-operation only. Don't get sucked into this, for though they speak of giving you money, they will receive cash and from your account.

Data Entry Outsourcing

Companies from many industries like IT, consumer, pharmacy etc . are generating huge data every day. It requires lots of time and money to keep the records up to date. Considering the lower labor cost of well-educated and efficient labor in the developing countries like India, it is now imperative to outsource data entry jobs to cut labor-intensive costs immediately.

Data entry outsourcing will help companies to concentrate on core competencies by assigning data entry tasks to reliable outsourcing provider. Data entry jobs can be outsourced in the following categories.

Online Data Entry outsourcing
Offline Data Entry outsourcing
Document Entry outsourcing
Image Entry outsourcing
Catalogue Entry outsourcing
Legal document outsourcing
Medical transcription
Insurance Data Entry outsourcing

Companies and institutions who usually need the services of data entry outsourcing are marketing, advertising & publishing, financial, hospitals, colleges & universities, lawyers, oil companies and any such large organizations. Nature of data entry outsourcing could be sometimes constant and sometimes need to be updated on daily basis. Some companies may require data entry updating occasionally.

In past, data entry was simply means data entering into computer. However, digital revolution has changed the definition of data entry. In the present business scenario, the scope and range of data entry processing has grown exponentially according to their importance and time sensitivity. Where most of the small and medium companies require data management services periodically, multinational companies need their data to be updated regularly.

While outsourcing data entry jobs, care should be taken to check credibility of your outsource provider. They should be able to offer various data outsourcing services like data entry, data processing, data extraction, data maintenance and so on. In addition, outsourcing providers should be having good track record of good quality service and having well-educated staff.

How to Influence People

No matter how one looks at it, success and respect come in the form of other people, perhaps even complete strangers. Rare is it in today's world that success will happen in total isolation. No surprise that some of the most successful and respected individuals know a thing or two about how to deal with others. The ability to communicate and influence others' way of thinking, and to actually transform their opinions, is an invaluable life skill.

The obstacle of attaining this life skill is one that everyone faces. Anger, selfishness, and pride all work against our better judgment. The idea is to become proactive, to work toward a resolution rather than toward your own base desires; which will come under fire the more it conflicts with other desires; and so on, until it comes full circle. Disagreements add more fuel to the fire, until neither party is able to influence the other. To be proactive means to step back from the situation, and to examine it from a different angle. Chances are you want your way simply because, well, it's your way. Consider the fact that the other person thinks the same. So be proactive and negotiate yourself out of a one-way street that'll lead to zero resolutions; because while you may get the other person to agree, have you really influenced their opinion?

Look at it this way: "right" is "wrong."

How can that be? The way to peoples' hearts, the way to influence their opinions, is not to impose your will onto theirs'. They first need to see the light before they alter their mode of thought. Approach your opinion as though it were a scientific method, without the pride of being right. It is that very possessive nature that creates disapproval in people. And unless you're in a scientific or highly technical environment, approach the discussion as if it had multiple resolutions. Step outside of yourself and join the team.
The idea is to influence others, rather than simply imposing your will. Become impersonal if you have to; all the better to swim through a sea of ideas and opinions, without the risk of being offended. Assess the problem, and not who said it. A proactive person is more concerned with a resolution than with retribution. The point remains to be said that other variables are at stake, and that "your" viewpoint is not the only path. This does not mean that you cannot disagree. Disagreements are inevitable; but there is a sharp contrast between a personal disagreement and a holistic disagreement. Chances are that a holistic disagreement is a lot more convincing, and more respectable, than a personal one. Because when holistic matters become too personally charged, it becomes detached from a holistic resolution.

The ability to communicate with others is not as vague as it sounds. The abilities to influence and to disagree are the two principle components of a born leader. Because being "right" is only as good as getting the person to agree.

Building A Golden Nest Egg for your Retirement Years

Gordon Brown, speaking recently in Scotland, said that there should be a national debate on raising the state pension age, and David Blunkett, Work and Pensions secretary, told the BBC News that a rise in the state pension age should be considered.

The Pension Commission has already suggested that a mixture of higher taxes, larger savings and a higher retirement age could go some way to making sure that people will not be living in poverty in their old age.

Apparently the 'problem' is that people are living longer, and the pension's commission declares that more than 12 million people are not saving enough towards retirement. Since the government, and life insurance firms, didn't anticipate pensioners living so long, now they are saying that, in order to be able to afford to pay out on their pensions, they will have to work to at least the age of 70.

At first sight this all looks rather bleak, but it's not all bad news, because people who work longer, particularly in a job they enjoy, actually live longer. Many people think that if they retire early they will live longer, but researchers have disproved this theory. In fact, those who stop working at 55 have nearly double the death rate of those who continue to work until they reach at least 65!

Baroness Greengross, chief executive of the International Longevity Centre UK, has said Work is a huge part of this equation, and provides mental and physical activity, self-esteem, social interaction and income for many of us is vital for older people to stay mentally and physically active. So maybe we are all going to have to work for longer, and yet no one wants to be stuck in a job they hate for even more years than they had already anticipated.

Luckily there are some happy alternatives. There's been quite an increase recently in people wanting to set up an e-commerce business with a view to building it up now, so that it will bring an income during their 'retirement' years.

Usually customers have been planning on setting up an online shop to sell products or services connected with their interests or hobbies. They're doing this with the intention of using the internet to make money for themselves, and their families, in an enjoyable way, and setting up something they will be able to continue with well into their old age.

These days it is not nearly as expensive or difficult to set up an e-commerce website as it used to be. Getting a site that would let you sell your products or service online can be done quite quickly, and with the minimum of fuss, if you approach a company who has experience in setting up ecommerce websites. You do really need to seek professional help and advice with this though, as it's not something a novice can do successfully by themselves.
Making your later years 'golden' could be as simple as expanding your hobby and getting set up to sell related products or services online. With an uncertain future ahead, the security of a little extra income is sure to be very welcome indeed.

Success Through People

You need people. That's a fact. Developing your people skills is probably one of the wisest investments you could ever make for yourself. Brilliant people who have already developed their people skills are already on their way to the top. Others who have also realized the importance of improving people skills have built their businesses on helping individuals improve the way they relate to other people.

Examine the way you relate to people. How good are you when it comes to working with people? Do you listen carefully to others or do you do most of the talking? Do you expect people to follow your command or do you create a win-win situation for parties concerned?

Improving your people skills starts with the right understanding of people. One of the keys to understanding human nature is frequent interaction with people. This will certainly be a big boost in establishing great relationships with your boss, officemates, spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc. These people can lift you up in victory, or these same people can refuse to do so.

Why do people refuse to extend assistance?

Two of the major reasons why people refuse to extend support or assistance are the perceived fear of losing and the absence of gain. Part of understanding human nature is to realize that most people always look after their own welfare first before the welfare of others.

The fear of losing prevents people from extending assistance most especially if it involves money, confidence, health, time, energy, and security (not necessarily in that order!). The trick then is to frame your request in order to minimize the fear of losing and emphasize the gains. Highlight the idea of winning and give assurance that losing is remote. After you succeed in taking off the fear of losing, the next thing you need to do is to show the benefit they will gain from your offer. Among people, the fear of losing is paramount over the benefit of gaining. With this in mind, the gains should be equal or greater than the perceived fear of loss.

Another important factor in developing people skills is to have a good reputation. In establishing good relations, people look at the reputation of the person making the offer.

Reputation is built on first impressions, and first impressions last. With this, it is extremely important that you establish good impressions right at the very onset of the meeting. With a good reputation, succeeding requests will sail through. It is easier to make a first good impression than correct a previous bad one.

The bottom line is this: In order to succeed in life, you have to develop your people skills. Part of this is understanding human nature and how people relate with each other. You also have to practice interacting with a variety of personalities. Improve your people skills and increase your odds for success

Social Networking for Massive Income

According to Kosciewicz, the Web today has grown into an "architecture of participation" that facilitates social networking through devices such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, and more. Forrester Research has published studies that show that traditional marketing is continuing to lose credibility. For example, in 2002, 78% of respondents in a survey said that ads are a good way to learn about a new product. In 2004, that number had dropped to 46%. In 2002, 14% of respondents agrees that companies generally tell the trust. As pathetic as 14% is, in 2004, it had declined even further - down to 7%. Social networking as a means of marketing overcomes this lack of consumer trust because it relies on the word of the consumer rather than the word of the producer. Research from Datamonitor reported that 85% of repondents in a survey indicated that word-of-mouth from friends, family, or colleagues is more trustworthy than corporate-generated content.

So how do you take advantage of social networking to sell more product? Simple - you open yourself up. You plant the seeds of a community to grow up around your site by using devices such as blogs, customer reviews, and forums to give a voice to your customers or prospective customers. The caveat is that you must be high quality. You must have high quality service and a high quality product. If not, avoid this marketing method.

Effective Direct Mail Campaign

It is not that difficult to have an effective direct mail campaign that draws in customers both new and old. It only takes a little bit of work to create an effective system for your company.

The first and most important concept to make sure to take care of when having a direct mail listing is to have a clear objective of what you want to accomplish with your mailing. Do you want more customers or do you want to offer an incentive to get the customers that you have already to come back to purchase more? Having an idea of what you want to accomplish with your mailings will help conserve money and make your direct mailing campaign effective.

Make your direct mailing campaign personal. People like to receive letters in the mail from friends and relatives and not junk mail. Making your direct mailing campaign more like a letter to a friend than a junk mail add will keep your advertisement from being thrown away.

Give incentives everyone loves to get something whether it be a discount or a free item. An incentive can be aimed at returning customers to keep them coming back for more or to new customers not yet familiar with your company. Incentives can work for either customer category.

Why should they use your company? Put in the direct mail campaign the benefits and reasons why they should come back to use your again or use you for the first time. Make sure they know why you are better than any of your competitors out there. However, keep this relatively humble. No one likes an inflated ego.

Never forget to leave a way for them to contact your business. Should they come into a store, call your over the phone or visit your website. It would be a travesty to have a customer that wants to use your product and is sold on your advertisement but has absolutely no way to reach you to take advantage of that new found knowledge.

Taking these steps will help make your direct mail campaign effective in bringing in customers to your business. Not only to save you money but to also increase your profits. With these things in mind you too can run an effectively keep your business in the minds of the average consumer, bringing your business to the next level.

SEO Service Good or Bad. How Do You Think?

The search engines play a major part in online marketing. SEO (search engine optimization) services are provided by marketing companies to help you gain targeted traffic through Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and other major or minor search engines. But are SEO services good or bad for your business? Should you use a marketing company's SEO services or try to "woo" the search engines into picking you as a leader and an authoritative company all on your own? Here are some things to consider.

SEO Services can be Valuable

Unfortunately as a business owner, you usually are torn between two important aspects of your business - promotion and operation. You've probably heard this phrase many times... "You are too busy working in your business to work on your business." This statement still holds true with Internet business. Whether you are offering services to a small group of clients, have a giant corporation, or own an online retail store, you face the same dilemma.

Using another company's SEO services can benefit you in several ways. One, it frees your time for other important matters. Two, you are able to receive help from someone who spends all their time analyzing and testing the search engines for results. They already know what it could take you years to learn! Three, you can save time and money for other types of promotions if you're not spending all your time trying to race your competitors to the top of the listings.

Craetive Imagination

Creative imagination is more than just active imagination. To be able to actively imagine things, to see and hear things in one's mind, is an important ability. It doesn't have to involve much creativity, though, does it? Daydreaming, for example, is a process of imagination. It can consist of an elaborate fantasy world, but one full of all the things that many people think about.

Creative imagination, then, has to include the ability not just to imagine things, but to imagine original things. It is seeing things that others don't see, and coming up with new ideas.

Improve Your Google Adwords

1. Create a list with all possible keywords that fit to your product, service or business field. The more the better. So you will get also a lot of keywords which you must pay for only the minimal commandment of 5 cents.

2. Benefit from misspelling in order to find keywords which your competitors did not think of. For example if you have a emergency service , do not only bid for "emergency" but also for "imergency", "imergensy" or "immergency".

3. The first position on Googles search result page achieves usually most clicks. However this is also the most expensive position. Give it a try if the second to fourth display position gives you more visitors and more customers for less money.

4. The position of the Adwords-ad is determined not only by the maximum click price that you are ready to spend. Google evaluates also the relevancy of the displayed ad in order to position the Adwords-ads. The more clicks your ad receives, the higher it gets listed.

5. The headline in the Adwords-ad must catch the viewers attention. If you implement the keyword in the header line, you receive considerably more clicks onto your ad.

6. In the ad-text mention one or two reasons, why the internet user should click on it. Which problem solves your product or service? Do you offer a product at a cheaper price or do you ship without the dispatch charges?

7. Avoid price wars at which a competitor and you attempt to outdo the click price for a keyword continuously mutually. You only see to it that the click price fires into the sky. It is better to find search-terms which consist of several words and which are more precise.

8. Google AdWords offers keyword-options which you should absolutely study. If properly set up you can make sure that your AdWords-ad appears only for example if the internet-user has exclusively entered your term and no further.

Euro 2012 Qualifier

As a Runner Up on World Cup 2010, the orange team ( Netherland ) will not give a time to sweden to win in this match. They are a strong team. Sweden must prepare a good play and spirit to fight the orange team. I hope sweden will be a Euro 2012 Qualifier Team. Keep Practise Sweden!

Blog Creation - Make Your Own Blog

In blog creation, the goal is to provide another avenue of marketing for your business. However, do you really know what it takes to make the ideal blog? Do you know what ingredients must go into making your blog creation a success? You might not have thought about it, but there are some things that you must consider when creating a blog and in this article, we are going to discuss some things every blog has to have in order to become successful. In blog creation, you want to build credibility with your readers
You have to let your readers know that you have the necessary qualifications to make the judgments and statements you do on the topic. You have to give them a reason to believe in what you are writing. This does not mean you have to go on and on about what gives you the qualifications, you just need to state somewhere why you feel you are the expert in your field. 
You then need to invoke authority in the topic as well. Ok so you have established what qualifications you possess to give your opinions on the subject, but you need to invoke authority by writing about them in insightful and knowledgeable ways. Back up your opinions or statements with some references if at all possible. In blog creation, you also want to make sure you have a high passion for the topic. Any person reading your blog posts will be able to tell if you do or do not carry passion. It is important to love what you have to say and say it with enthusiasm and intense passion. It will definitely shine through in your posts.

What Is Branding???

Most business owners start with hiring a logo designer to work on their business image, and whilst this is right, it's important to be clear on what your brand ethos will be before ink hits paper…or with modern design methods it's more like 'before mouse hits screen'.

If you aren't clear on what important messages you wish to present to your customers, you will end up marketing an all together ineffectual image for your business – resulting in reduced impact on your target market and hence less sales.

Whilst it's very important to utilise the services of a high quality logo designer to ensure the success of your business through proper brand design, your brand is about more than just your business name or logo design.

An effective brand tells potential customers what you do and who you are. In addition your brand image is how your business is perceived by it's customers. Brands are in the minds of customers and nowhere else, and you need to make sure you develop the correct brand image by engineering it deliberately.

A good logo design should however be your starting point for developing a firm footing for the brand development of your business.

Good quality brand development, and indeed your logo design itself as the icon behind this branding, will give you the edge over your competitors, and despite the fact that most small businesses won't have unlimited funds for branding campaigns, they do have several methods available to them for developing a high quality brand and in turn benefit from the perception of the value of that brand.

4 Thing Before Before Going Into Business

1. Why should there be anyone would do business with you?

This could be the very first question that you must ask yourself before anything else. You got to demand yourself to an answer to this. Why the heck on earth would anybody pay for this "Junk" you're selling? Yup, "Junk", as I phrased it. It doesn't matter how good your product is to be, to the eye of others, it's just another piece of product in a sea pool of other similar products.

So, still be very proud of your product or service? Truly you're 100% proud of it? You truthfully and deeply believe people would be dumb by NOT buying from you?

Well…you passed the first barrier! You're ready to start go to next stage.

2. The basic business needs 3 things: Lawyer, CPA, and Creative or crazy fellow, which could very well be you.

Almost every business gets themselves for the first two. It's understandably so. Good creative person are really hard to find, hard to manage, and you'll never sure of what you're paying for.

Every established and sizeable business knows the creative side plays a heavier weight than the lawyer and CPA. CPA's and lawyers can help you when you are up there. But at the early stage when your business is still an infant, your business live or die depending on it's business branding activities in areas like business identities, logos, marketing campaign, advertising copy and business slogans.

Now, are you NUTS enough? Have people been calling you NUTS?
If so, you are ready for the next stage! Do give yourself a "Cheers"!

3. Singing for Your Own? You Got To Promote Yourself In Every Possible Way.

Do all of them. Yes, Do whatever possible to get your business name to be up there! Get your Business Brand being noticed by others. There more the merrier!

Business can just comes and go so fast before anybody could hears of them. People are busy, what do they care? They don't care about you and your business. Why should they care? Get serious. Do everything you can possibly and reasonably afford to do. But beware; you must not mislead others because it'll backfire quickly enough to wipe your business off.

Do you "Sing for your own self"? Then you've passed! Move on to next stage…

4. Big Decision: Could You Win The Competition.

It's very likely that you're entering a crowded business market when you first started. Take a hard and closer look at what other fellows are doing; what your competitors are doing right now could affect your business greatly.

At this stage, you got to decide: Are you going for "Head to Head" fight? Competing on better quality? Crazier pricing strategy? Extra Mile Service Level? Better Marketing Campaign? or what else? Or you would avoid all that, and create you own niche, where you are the leader?

Consistently stick on to the business branding strategy that your have chosen on the very early stage. This is your Business Equity. By keep changing the business look, you'll get the public confused, and worse still if they see that you don't even have the basic respect for your business identity.

Don't destroy the business equity; you need to be utmost concerned with your business image to the public. It has its own personality. It has to stand out from the rest.

Keyword ( SEO - SERP ) Massive Income

Just wanna share about SEO and SERP. Like kooday and arvell lewis on sweeva and every people who have a new site/blog, i just started my day in sweeva, looking for more credit, so i can bid my site as soon as possible. Many exprert said that Traffic is an important thing in site/blog growth. About google statistic, my site/blog just have approx 6K visitor since i made it two month ago. I would like to join every social browsing site like sweeva, trafficg, easyhits4u, freetrafficworld and many more. It was very interesting to made many traffic to my site/blog so i can reach #1 in Google Search. Choose the best keyword for for your site/blog, it will become your blog in first place in google crawler. And absolutely be #1 in Alexa Rank. If you have many traffic/month you could request a google adsense and start your massive income. Thanks for your time to visit my blog. And have a nice day. :-)

Seven Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic

An affiliate marketer may have all the things needed for him to be able to succeed in a business such as affiliate marketing. He may have the necessary drive, diligence and perseverance to be able to understand how the system works. He may have all the tools necessary in maintaining the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a fortune if only the whole world could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to drive traffic to his website. His business would sink into oblivion together with all the sales, fortune and dreams that he might have realized if he only knew how to do this particular task.

Getting people who matter to see one's website is a difficult undertaking if he tries to consider the fact that there are rivals everywhere waiting to pin him down. The immensity of the internet as well as the affiliate marketing world has given birth to the fierce competition between affiliate marketers, each of whom has his own great product to offer. With all the websites piling on top of each other, how would one be able to stand out? The seven best ways to drive laser-targeted traffic to one's own website would help those who are bent on sticking it out with this business wherever it is bound to take them.

The first step in driving traffic to one's website is by relying on search engines and what they can do for the affiliate marketer concerned. Because they are popular for driving free targeted traffic, they should not be ignored by all means. Having top search engine rankings is vital in building popularity links, and the use of the right keywords is important in attaining this goal. Once a website is on top of the list, it is easily accessible to anyone who wants to see it for himself.

The second way in driving traffic to one's website is by contacting other webmasters for a possible link exchange partnership. Locating websites that are related to one's own website is the primary task. Once there, he should be able to establish communication by personalizing everything as much as possible. It is then possible to make reciprocal link exchanges between webmasters whichever way the affiliate marketer prefers.

The third way is through writing one's own articles. This is an effective way in promoting a website, because good content that are appreciated by readers will lead them to visit the writer's very own website out of sheer interest.

The fourth way is through joint venture marketing. This is one of the most effective ways of promoting a product or a service. Having a partner through ad swap or link exchange is beneficial to both parties as it allows them to reach a wide customer base in a short amount of time.

The fifth is through joining affiliate programs. Having affiliates to do the work means allowing them to bring tons of traffic to a website. Skyrocketing sales would be realized as a result, and both the affiliate and the website owner will benefit from the situation.

The sixth is by having a list of subscribers that one can refer to every so often, because they are those which would prove to be valuable assets for the marketer concerned. The use of autoresponders and personalized newsletters is one way of keeping track of them all, and holding on to them by letting them know about new products and services is an essential task that should be done by the affiliate marketer concerned.

The seventh is by knowing one's market through and through. It is important for traffic to be targeted to those who might have a special interest in the theme or topic of one's website. This way, a solid customer base is going to be created. Once a potential customer shows an interest in a particular website by paying it a visit, one must not waste time in trying to show him that his effort is worth it.

Traffic generating strategies are important in trying to make one's affiliate marketing career inch forward. It is always advantageous to plan one's moves in any business that he might undertake. This is particularly so in affiliate marketing. If one knows how to get people to see what he has to offer, then he is on the right track.

Article Marketing In Your SEO Strategy

Article writing has become a very important piece to the overall aspect of SEO and Internet Marketing. Providing solid information and how to advice for readers can convert traffic to your website while creating an expert status about you and your business.

Keep in mind that Article Marketing is not an ad, so you can not just start writing about how great your product or service is but rather supply helpful informative content for readers.

Here is were the true importance of Article Marketing comes in to play, IT IS VIRAL! Supplying this content for other webmasters to use on their websites and visitors can create a viral marketing affect.

Here is how:
Because search engines like Google love new content and seems to award websites that constantly update their website with new fresh content. Webmasters have taken notice of this fact not only for search engines but for their visitors, giving them fresh information will give them more reason to come back to there website. This makes your articles valuable to them and other website owners are on the hunt for your articles.

How do articles placed on other websites generate traffic to me?

Traffic is generated to your website from your signature box. At the button portion of your article is an area, which you dedicate for a signature line. This is were you can place a small but powerful message about your self and your business, almost like a text ad. Your signature line will contain atleast one active text link to your website which convert traffic to your website.

How do webmasters find my articles?

Article Marketing can be done through article distribution websites. These are websites that not only list your article themselves but also are places that provide your articles to other website owners for free as long as they include your signature. There are hundreds of these article distribution sites so one article if written with powerful headline and riveting copy could truly generate high amounts of traffic for a extended amount of time.

Note: Article Marketing is a great way to build your link popularity fast as other websites list your information, your signature line contains that ever important link.

Example: If your write three articles and distribute it to 120 distribution websites and it is picked up by 4 webmasters from each distribution site and even if each website only supplies 6 hits to your site per month your article marketing could convert over 8,400 hits per month. This is very realistic. Now imagine putting out dozens of articles on a regular basis, your traffic and link popularity could be amazing

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