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The Science Of Search Engine Promotion

At least 75% of Internet users use search engines  to find information, services and products. These users reach the site after an active research. Therefore these do not only represent hits, but potential clients.

Search engine promotion involves promoting your website through various online channels in order to increase visibility and your potential to receive a higher page ranking or position within the search engine results pages. Common search engine promotion campaigns include article marketing, press release, optimization and submissions.

Search engine promotion is the process of improving rankings, visitor numbers and utilizing search engines to promote brand awareness. Every activity whose purpose is to promote a site and provide hits through search engines comes under the orb of Search engine promotion.

Search Engine Promotion is designed to build upon the 'Search Engine Optimization' process by taking your website even further up the Search Engine rankings. Whereas building a 'Search Engine friendly' website or 'optimizing' your website for the Search Engines are normally one-off tasks, 'Search Engine Promotion' is a regular ongoing process.

In December 2006, 6.5 billion searches were carried out in search engines. People are not just looking for information; around 25% of all online purchases originate from search engines. It's crucial that your site gets the best possible position in the search results for your products. Search engine promotion and search engine optimization is a must if you want to maximise your online presence

Indonesia Compared to Brazil, Russia, India and China

Hope for Indonesia to enter the country group with the world's new economic powers growing stronger. The reason, Indonesia has various requirements as a potential economic power. 

The group states with a new economic power is often alluded to BRIC, an acronym popularized by Goldman Sachs Group, to refer to the four countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China. 

According to Goldman Sachs, gross domestic product (GDP) four candidate countries the new world economic power by 2027 is expected to reach U.S. $ 30.2 trillion or exceed the GDP of seven industrialized nations (G-7) in 2027. In fact, the BRIC will become the most dominant economic power in 2050. 

However, the number of people assessing Indonesia worthy entry in the BRIC group. Morgan Stanley economist, Chetan Ahya stresses need to be added I (Indonesia) in BRIC to become BRICI. 

"Indonesia still lags behind the BRIC countries in terms of highly educated workers, an important point in moving the economy," he said as quoted by Bloomberg Ahya some time ago. 
So how about the real Indonesia when compared with the BRIC countries. 

Indonesia's population of 230 million people which is often used as a measure of a country market. This amount is relatively large compared with Brazil's 194 million people and Russia's 141 million inhabitants. However, smaller when compared with 1198 million people of India and China 1346 million people.
Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources. Indonesia is the number one producer of crude palm oil, tin and number two's second largest coal exporter. Russia and Brazil are also known as the world's largest exporter of natural resources. Meanwhile, China and India are likely to become the dominant exporter of manufactured goods. 

Indonesia recorded a growth above 5 percent per year. In fact, along with China and India, the country is also positive growth during the crisis and the largest in the group G-20 countries. Indonesia's economic expansion rate will reach 6.0 or faster this year from Russia amounted to 4.3%. 

Actual nominal gross domestic product per capita of Indonesia (based on purchasing power parity / PPP) in 2009 in the range of U.S. $ 3,900. This is better than India's GDP per capita is only U.S. $ 2,900. 

In terms of fiscal balance to GDP, Indonesia including a healthy state. Indonesia deficit is only 1.6 percent, Russia reach 6 percent, Brazil 3.3 percent, India 10 percent, and China 2.2 percent. 

Indonesia's debt to GDP ratio is small, namely 23 percent. Meanwhile, Brazil's debt ratio of 17.1 percent, Russia 38.5 percent, India 17.5 percent and China 7.9 percent. 

Indonesian foreign exchange reserves is small compared with the BRIC countries, which only amounted to U.S. $ 86.5 billion. China's largest foreign exchange reserves held U.S. $ 2,389 billion, Russia U.S. $ 416 billion, India U.S. $ 261 billion and Brazil U.S. $ 237 billion. 

Internet users often used as a reference for measuring the progress of a country. For this size, Indonesia is low, ie 8.7 persons per 100 population, or 8.7 percent of the population. But India is lower, namely 5.1 percent. Meanwhile, in China as much as 28.5 percent, Brazil 38.7 percent and 42.4 percent Russians. 

For mobile subscribers, Indonesia is high when compared with the BRIC countries, namely 69.2 percent. Indonesia is only surpassed by Russia, which reached 163.6 percent, which means one person has more than one phone. Meanwhile, Brazil at 89 percent, Chinese 55 percent and India only 43.8 percent.

Is Paying For Traffic Practical?

The internet is a like a playground with many business players clawing at each other to get a bigger share of the market pie. There are many who have gained success in their online endeavour. The irony, however, is that to one successful story, there are hundreds of others who have just spent time and effort beating about the bush and at the end of the day getting nothing out of it.

There are many of us who would blame it on luck. But an in-depth analysis proves it otherwise. It takes hard work to succeed. It is the eagerness and determination to succeed and investing in a lot of hard work and some money that sets the winners apart from the rest.

The essentials

The first and the most important factor in determining success is traffic. One may fail, no matter how well his products or services are, if he has no traffic. Think of any kind of business and you will find that it requires customers. No customer means no profit. In the internet, your customers are the traffic. The more traffic you have to your site, the more is the chance of your products being sold.

But like all businesses, everyone potential customer do not buy. It is the same with online businesses. But it is a known fact that if more people come into the shop; more is the chance of the products being sold.

But now, the question that arises is that how do one generate traffic? For a fact, many big players in the business arena have tens of thousands of traffic per day. However, only a small percentage of people actually buys, which lies in the range of ten to fifteen percent of the total traffic. Yet, this small percentage is normally sufficient to generate a respectable profit.

Many big businesses get traffic by advertising their site. It is common sense to know that the more people that know about the existence of your site, the more will be the flow of traffic to your site. Now, there are many ways of advertising on the internet. Many of those ways are free, but usually generate less traffic. While, there are some cheap paid services like the ones offered by Google and Yahoo. These services, if used properly can generate a high volume of traffic and in a less amount of time.

10 Tips To Generate Traffic To Realtors' Websites

In today's technological era, you can't afford not to have a presence in cyberspace as there are an ever-increasing number of people referring to the web as their major source of their information and research.
Without doubt, your website represents a great opportunity to promote your properties for sale or to rent, in addition to your business generally, to the whole wide world.

This is a real "no brainer" - you must regularly update content on your site and you need visitors.

To optimize the number of visitors to your website, you need to promote your site with some, if not all of these strategies:-

1. Your web address should appear on all business stationery, promotional material including your newsletter and all advertising especially signage.

It also makes good sense to refer to your website in your on hold and after business hours telephone messages.

2. You should ensure that you make mention of your web address in all press releases, editorials or articles you write. Any readers will then be able to check your agency out via your website.

Similarly, if you have the good fortune to be interviewed on radio, you should ask the interviewer to mention your web address or you should drop it into the interview yourself – with some subtlety, of course.

3. Incorporate your web and e-mail addresses in your e-mail signature message. This may satisfy the curiosity of your e-mail recipients and encourage them to check you out

You can also refer to specific properties or forthcoming auctions in your e-mail signature message – however that's another story!

4. Include your web address in your '30 second networking commercial'when you meet people and you have an opportunity to talk about your business. Then make sure that you give them a business card to reinforce the message
5. The web address should be included with your logo and company name on any business t shirts. The visibility with t shirts is difficult to beat.

6. Similarly, staff name badges should incorporate the web address on the name badge. Again this represents excellent visibility.

7. When you are speaking in public, your speaker introduction should include reference to your web address and, wherever practicable, you should also refer to it in the course of your presentation. You can achieve this objective without being painfully obvious.

8. Some may believe that it's crass, but there's merit in including your web address in your motor vehicle signwriting. When you stuck in a long line of traffic, you never know who will see your message and record it for posterity or later use. Naturally, this could be a disadvantage if you're caught speeding, parked where you shouldn't be or involved in a road accident!

9. Establish reciprocal links with other websites that would appeal to your clients, referrers and prospective clients.

10. Publish a newsletter and regularly include details of new content, features and other changes to your web site.

Successful Leadership Strategies

Ensuring Successful Analysis, by: analysing the operating environments on a regular basis, and additionally when major changes occur; using legal and ethical means to gather information; using experienced specialists to gather and analyse the information; using an appropriate range of information gathering tools and techniques; gathering information from an appropriate range of sources; ensuring that forecasts, trends, predictions, are supported by sufficient evidence. The objective is to carry out an analysis that provides the organisation with a clear picture of the current environment in which it operates, and a forecast of impending changes. This will enable the leaders of the organisation to make changes to existing operational objectives in response to the findings on the current situation, and to longer term plans in preparation for the predicted changes. A thorough analysis should be carried out at least annually, with quarterly reviews. This will ensure that the leaders of the organisation are fully informed at all times, and are equipped with information that will enable them to respond appropriately to any changes which impact on the organisation.

Analysing The External Environment, by: identifying the components and the boundaries of the external environment in which the organisation operates; considering the current political, economic, social, technological, and environmental situation; gathering appropriate, sufficient, reliable, and valid information; identifying and evaluating trends; evaluating the impact of current influences on the organisation; forecasting the impact of potential changes on the organisation. The objective here is to gather information which highlights or predicts changes in the world in which the organisation operates. There are many thousands of local and international influences and forces which impact on the organisation. Indicative examples include demographic changes, cultural changes, and social behaviour changes, all of which can lead to changes in customer markets and buying patterns. Another example is a potential or forecast change in a technology which could end demand for certain products or services. For almost any organisation, of any size, and in any sector, gathering and analysing this type of information is critical.

How To Improve Your Adsense Income Fast And Easy

Do you want to monetize your content websites? One of the fastest and easiest way to make money from your current content websites is through Google Adsense Program.

By adding Adsense code on your content webpages, you can easily earn back your hosting fees. And if your websites have good traffic, you can make even hundreds to thousands of dollars a day!

Even if you have added Adsense code on your site already, you can still increase your profit by making some simple changes! Here are 8 proven methods to have a bigger check from Google:

1. Create a custom palette to blend the ads. For example, if your website has a white background, try to use white as the color of the ad border and background. This will make the ads look like it is a part of your website, results in more clicks from your valued visitors.

2. Always put the ads on the highly visible part of your website. For short articles, CTR (Click Through Rate) is best when the code are placed just above the content. For long articles, CTR increases if the code are placed somewhere in middle of the content - visitors read the long content and then they are looking for more resources.

On the whole, test the CTR for placing ads in different locations in your website. You will be amazed how the difference between the locations can affect your earnings.

3. Try to automate the insertion of the Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (server side included). Ask your web administrator if your web server supports SSI or not. Then how do you do it? Just save the code in a text file, e.g. save it as "adsense-code.txt", and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then use SSI, call the code on your web pages. This tip can save you lots of time especially if you are using generate pages automatically on your website using page generator

Global Spread Of Bird Flu

The H5N1 strain of bird flu virus is what scientists expect to be the next big worldwide pandemic to hit. What are scaring them more are the deadly effects it has had on some of the few human victims it has so far affected.

The H5N1 strain has so far hit a handful people in various areas of the world. The affected people were those that came in contact with infected birds. This article shows us the global affect of the H5N1 strain so far.

• The H5N1 strain attracted very little attention way back in 1997 at Guang Dong China. This is because it had affected very few geese and poultry at the time.
• The first case of infected humans was reported on 1997 at Hong Kong. 6 of the 17 people infected died.
• It once reemerged on 2003 at Vietnam infecting three people. All of which died.
• The outbreak became more prevalent during January 2004, affecting 10 Asian countries. It started out in Vietnam and Thailand, eventually finding its way to South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and China. Over 40 million domesticated birds were slaughtered to prevent affecting humans. During this time 23 people from Vietnam and Thailand died.
• On July 2004 fresh outbreaks once again happened at China and Thailand.
• During august 2004, Singapore banned poultry from Malaysia because a place in their country was infected again. The EU also banned all poultry products from Malaysia.
• During October 2004, scientist discovered that the H5N1 strain is deadlier than once believed. They found out that the mortality rate of those infected is around 100%.
• November 2004 a team was created to further study the effects it could cause on humans. The project was called the Influenza Genome Sequencing Project.<
• January 2005, nearly 1.2 million poultry were killed at Vietnam because 33 out 64 cities and provinces have been hit by the H5N1 strain. The number of birds that died ranged up to 140 million.
• Cambodia is hit with the first human bird flu victim, making surveillance at the country stricter.
• There have been isolated cases of human to human transfer on Vietnam and Thailand during the period of March 2005.
• Eight more people have been detected infected on April 2005 at Vietnam.
• On May 2005, reports were given that 97 people were infected, 53 of whom died at Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. Vietnam being the country most hit with 76 infected and 37 deaths.
• The first infected victim was reported on Indonesia on July 2005 and 2 more died at Vietnam.
• The virus later spread during August 2005 reaching Kazakhstan, Mongolia and western Russia. During this period 38 people died at China from a swine virus. Making officials from WHO worried. This is because pigs are great breeding grounds for bird flu virus as well.
• September 2005 David Nabarro informed people that the outbreak of the H5N1 could kill 5 to 150 million people. He also said that the outbreak could start in Africa or the Middle East. As of yesterday, H5N1 has been found on Africa.
• As of October and November 2005 the H5N1 strain has been found at Turkey and Kuwait respectively.
• China reports its third death from the bird flu on December 2005.

The spread of the H5N1 strain as of now may seem slow. But we should really be thankful that this virus is not yet becoming a pandemic. Because in reality the world is not yet ready.

Tips To Generate Traffic

In today's technological era, you can't afford not to have a presence in cyberspace as there are an ever-increasing number of people referring to the web as their major source of their information and research.
Without doubt, your website represents a great opportunity to promote your properties for sale or to rent, in addition to your business generally, to the whole wide world.

This is a real "no brainer" - you must regularly update content on your site and you need visitors.

To optimize the number of visitors to your website, you need to promote your site with some, if not all of these strategies.

Save Money On Ezine Advertising

Ezine Advertising is still one of the top ways to advertise online because it is cheap, easy, and targeted. If you are one of the many internet marketers who understand just how effective ezine marketing can be then you will be happy to learn that I have three tips that will save you money on Ezine Advertising.

Join The Directory of Ezines

Yes, it may seem a bit pricey up front but I have been a member for years and never regretted the money I paid, because I made it back in savings! Not only do you get a lot of great bonuses and freebies
but you will also be able to find a list of free advertising available from the ezine owners listed in the directory. Plus on top of that many of the ezine owners listed in the directory offer a discount to directory members. So if you think about the amount of money you might save over time the Directory of Ezines is actually a very big bargain.

Visit The Ezine Ad Auction

You will need to register to use this auction site but there is no cost involved.

At any given time there are hundreds of auctions available some starting at just $10. You can shop by category to more easily find your target audience and will find a range of ezines and ad formats available