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Early Retirement - Make A Change In Your Career

When the economic meltdown happened, a lot of us older folks wound up out of work and in the job market for the first time in years.  Many of us were in the position of not having the wealth or prospects that we had just a few years ago and the transition from employee to job seeker was difficult.  Fortunately for some of us, we had reached retirement age and were in a position to retire.  Unfortunately, retirement was something a lot of us neither wanted or expected.

The huge number of jobs that were lost created a tremendous amount of competition for the jobs that were left.  A recent article in U.S. News reported that more than 60% of older workers were typically out of work for more than a year.  The inability to find a good job has forced many people into retirement.  Many of us were left in a position of having to find something else to do and a lot of us have turned on our entrepreneurial spirit in order to continue to work and earn an income.

One area that seems to offer a good opportunity to earn money is internet marketing.  If a person is reasonably internet savvy or can learn to work online, starting an online business is no more difficult than starting a business in a storefront.  The amount of information that has to be learned can be overwhelming, but broken down into bite sized pieces it becomes much easier.

The easiest way that I have found to earn money online is affiliate marketing.  The advantages are obvious, there is no inventory, an endless supply of products and very little out of pocket expenses.  That is not to say that it is easy or that every affiliate marketer will be successful.  But it is possible to make money online and this is one method that works.

One of the best ways to get started is to find a method that works and that you understand and copy it.  Affiliate marketing is a matter of finding a marketing method, learning how to do it and then repeat the process time and time again.  If you can find a mentor or someone who is willing to help, the learning curve is much shorter.

My method is relatively simple.  I find products that I want to market on clickbank or other affiliate programs, do some keyword research to investigate the market and competition, post ads on usfreeads and submit lots of articles to market the product.  It seems simple enough, the goal is to find a marketing method that works and repeat it time and time again.

The methods I use most come from two affiliate marketers.  Both have good (and free) instructional videos that make it easy to see how their respective methods work. The two that I could recommend are microniche finder and the bum marketing method.  I recommend that anyone who is considering affiliate marketing to go to their websites and watch the videos.

Making money on the internet is not easy.  Every person that tries is actually starting a business, and most people do not want to run a business.  Scams abound and  it is easy to get caught up in the hype of riches promised overnight.  The two most important things a person needs to be successful is focus, persistence and patience. Money is helpful, but not entirely necessary.

There is so much information available, that a person can get overwhelmed with information overload.  It happened to me and I know that having so much information makes it difficult to focus on any method long enough to make it work.  I finally found a book called "How To Build An Online Business" that helped point me in the right direction.

The internet is full of opportunities to make money from the comfort of your home.  All you need is the desire, commitment and a computer.   A mentor or someone to help guide your efforts can be worth their weight in gold.  However, there are a lot of people selling programs that do little more than take your money.  Before you spend anything, even one dime, do a search for the program or the person selling the program.  Read the forums and see what other people are saying and make an informed decision.

As a retired person, I have no problem recommending affiliate marketing to anyone, but approach this business with caution and do not expect to start making money overnight.  Just like any other business, it takes time to develop your skills and learn how to run your business.

The most important thing is to develop a plan, stay focused and do not give up.

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