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How Can I Cut Down On My Herpes Attacks?

I was infected with genital herpes by my husband ten years ago. Since we have separated, I have been experiencing monthly outbreaks of herpes lately. What can I do to help cut down on these incidents?

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and there is no denying that this condition has damaged relationships and destroyed the mental peace of many. The symptoms in themselves can be distressing. In men, the small fluid-filled blisters are found mainly on or around the head of the penis and foreskin; in women they are found around the vagina and occasionally up into the cervix and uterus. However, they can occur anywhere around the genital area and may spread to the buttock, lower back and upper thighs. The sensation ranges from mild stinging and redness to excruciating pain, burning and marked inflammation. Sufferers may also experience fever and inflamed lymph nodes. Usually, they feel tired and ill, which can be a direct result of the infection or of the depressed immune system that allows the virus to take hold.

Genital herpes affects up to 40 per cent of the population. It is caused by a virus (HSV-2) and is closely related to the cold sore virus (HSV- l). You can never get rid of the virus once you have it, but it affects people to a greater or lesser degree, and 85 per cent of   people who have an initial attack will not have a recurrence. Of the rest, most are liable to have some recurrences, and an unlucky two per cent may suffer severe and frequent symptoms. A healthy body with a strong immune system should not suffer recurrent attacks.

People first get herpes when their immune system is depressed, due to stress, insomnia, Fatigue, poor eating etc, and k recurs when the immune system is low. The antiviral preparations used in conventional medicine can suppress an attack but cannot guarantee that it won't recur. If you have a serious health condition like this, you have co greatly improve your health and wellbeing. You should follow the programme below strictly for a year and then more moderately.

DO eat...
Fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organic, with lean protein - lamb. chicken, turkey and fish - as well as rice and potatoes.

Homemade chicken broth with vegetables. Pomegranates, red-skinned apples and almonds which have been soaked in water for 24 hours (do not keep in the fridge).

Fresh carrot and ginger juice - daily, or two or three times a week.

Honey; cottage cheese.

DONT eat..

Yeast-containing products (bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta, Marmite, beer): yeast is a parasite that weakens the body by stealing nutrients and also leaves toxic alcohol in the gut.

Fungal or mould-containing products, such as mushrooms or cheese (except cottage cheese).

Canned or preserved foods. Citrus fruits. Very spicy food, cream and other fatty foods, and cut down on red meat excess nuts, excess alcohol, excess sugar and coffee.

Avoid taking too many vitamin and/or mineral supplement; long-term use may result in a strain on the body.

Stress and strain cause tightness of the neck and shoulder area This reduces blood   circulation to the brain, causing fatigue as well as weakness of the crucial health and wellbeing regulatory centres of the brain (including the pituitary hypothalamic area, brain stem and limbic system). If possible, have a professional massage of the neck and shoulders once a week and ask a friend or partner to do it for you for ten minutes twice a week Use Dr Ali's Lifestyle Massage Oil, or make your own blend by adding 20 drops of lavender and 30 drops of ylang ylang essential oils to l00ml of apricot seed oil.

Chavanprash (capsules) - take two capsules daily for six months. Or G&G Foods Energy Plus Powder - one scoop twice daily with juice or  milk

Multivitamin/mineral tablets (Biocare, Solgar, Quest or Viridian which is mostly organic) - rake as directed on the packet, for no longer than six months.

Ashwganda (which contains Indian ginseng; capsules) - one capsule twice daily for three months. Or Siberian ginseng, as directed.

Follow the advice above and use Dr Khan's Marigold Oil on the lesions. Also take Biocare Vitamin B Complex as soon as the symptoms start and for 28 days after the attack.

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