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Natural Cure For Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis, or excess sweating, is not a serious medical condition in itself. However, it can be extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable for the person who suffers with it. For those people who do, here is a guide for natural cure for hyperhidrosis.

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, you should always consult with a doctor. It may be possible that it is a result from an underlying and more serious condition that needs to be addressed. Excess sweating can be caused by some medications as well in which case you may simply need to switch your prescription or lower the dosage.

Iontophoresis is a therapy using a weak electric stimulation. The part of the body that is sweating excessively is put into water. An electric current is than passed through the water and raised until you feel tingling. As it is a low voltage, it is safe.

Drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods and drinking hot liquids can also cause excess sweating. Minimizing these may at least reduce your sweating if not end it. Other dietary changes may be of help so you may want to consult a nutritionist.

In some cases acupuncture and herbal therapy have produced good results. An acupuncturist can also help you with dietary choices to minimize your sweating. He or she may also be able to prescribe breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Your sweating may not be caused by stress or anxiety but the condition itself can cause these which increase your hyperhidrosis. So engaging in activities to reduce stress such as yoga, meditation or tai chi can also be of help.

The clothing you wear can make a difference as well. Choose clothing, and especially socks, that is made of natural material such as cotton that allows your skin to breathe. Be sure to change your socks every day.

Try some of the tips in this guide for natural cure for hyperhidrosis. They may not cure the condition entirely but they may at least reduce it to something you can more easily live with.

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