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Poison Conch - Keong Racun Youtube

Keong Racun suddenly slipped, and then thundering in the entertainment universe homeland. The songs are provided with innuendo and naughty poem was so crowded people talk in cyberspace. Number of radio stations play the song repeatedly.

Keong Racun Youtube even ranked number one topic on Twitter Trending. Songs that glide from Bandung took turns occupying the top position with Tony Hayward, who resigned from the giant oil company British Petroleoum.

If Tony Hayward down from the top left of luxury and exorbitant salaries, conch Poisons drove in the opposite lane. This song climbed to the top of the living room of a small house in a narrow alley Bojongloa, Bandung, West Java.

The song is sung by two teen lipsync by this woman, Shinta and Jojo, created by Fertile Tahroni. In Bandung, Fertile known as a productive songwriter. 49-year-old, she lived in a small house size 5 x 6 meters.

Simple house was crowded with other small houses in Gang Siti Mariah, Jamika Village, District Bojongloa Kaler, Bandung. Together with his wife and four children, Fertile stay there long.

Living in a crowded area, in the midst of many people hard, makes the Fertile Tahroni creativity is always lit. She made so many ironies of life. One of his songs are popular in Bandung is the "girlfriend Five Steps."

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