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Simple Tips To Heal Angular Cheilitis

In order to heal Angular Cheilitis, otherwise known as Perleche, there are some definite things you can do to quickly relieve the discomfort, pain, and embarrassment that the condition engenders. These are simple, yet very effective steps you can do to rapidly heal the painful sores and cracks that affect the corners of your mouth and lips.

Angular Cheilitis causes pain that makes it difficult and painful to open your mouth to talk, eat, or laugh. But the good news is that you do not have to deal with uncomfortable looks and stares at the redness and swelling of your lips and mouth that the condition gives rise to. What follows are just a few easy tips you can start following today for some fast and effective relief.

4 Simple Tips To Heal Angular Cheilitis

1. Diet
What you eat should be one part of your life that you key a sharp eye on. Eating an imbalanced diet can lead to a deficiency of vital nutrients and vitamins, which can in turn lead to suffering from Perleche.

Vitamin B and Iron Deficiencies

In particular, typical sufferers of this infection experience deficiencies in Vitamin B and Iron. For this reason, you need to concentrate on eating a healthier, more balanced diet not only to cure your current infection and prevent future occurrences, but also to become healthier as a whole.

Food Triggers

Certain acidic foods, such as oranges and grapefruits, can trigger Angular Cheilitis. The acidic nature of these foods can lead to more cracking and dryness of the affected areas, which in turn may lead to scarring. If you currently suffer this condition, you are strongly advised to cut these out of your diet to prevent your infection from worsening.

2. Keep The Affected Areas Dry
You should do your very best to keep the affected areas as dry as possible. Keeping the affected areas dry will help your infection heal quicker. You can do this by carrying a handkerchief or tissue with you to wipe away moisture from the lips and corners of the mouth as soon as it accumulates. Another thing you can do is to immediately wipe your mouth after eating. <

A few other tips to keep the area dry include eliminating the use of moisturizers. Moisturizers will only bring about more skin redness and irritation. Additionally, you should also drink plenty of water. Water naturally helps the skin stay hydrated. Not only will drinking water quickly relieve your symptoms and end your infection, but it will also leave with you healthier, shinier skin.

3. Don't Lick Your Lips
This habit is something you need to learn how to control if you are accustomed to licking your lips over and over. Licking of the lips goes totally against the advice above of keeping the affected areas dry.

What happens when you lick your lips is that you instantly bring moisture to the area. But this moisture is quickly absorbed by the surrounding air , leaving the area vulnerable to more splits, cracks, sores, and dryness.

4. Practice Good Oral Hygiene
A regular practice of brushing and flossing of the teeth, along with using mouthwash, will help to prevent bacteria from colonizing along the lips and mouth. The absence of bacteria in the area means no fungus is able to grow that can cause an infection.

The initial signs of Angular Cheilitis may require nothing more than eating a balanced diet or applying a lip balm. But should you leave the dryness, redness, and cracking of the corner of the lips unattended, you will require a more comprehensive treatment to heal Angular Cheilitis.

1 komentar:

Smart prize said...
Successful treatment method.

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