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Amazon Kindle Comes to the iPhone

Last month we hinted that Amazon would be bringing its digital book reader, the Kindle to the iPhone, and now it has. This news comes not a moment too soon either as, if you recall, it happens fast on the heels of Google's announcement that its own Google Book Search has already beaten to the punch.Instead of paying the hefty $359 for the new Amazon Kindle 2 device, iPhone users can go to the iTunes App Store and download the Kindle app for free. To download books--or make that ebooks--for reading on the Kindle app, users then just head to using their iPhone web browser and peruse the selection.In addition to a selection currently numbering some 240,000 books, the Amazon-Apple team let you subscribe to magazines and newspapers as well as many of the web's most popular blogs, all for your iPhone Kindle (or is that "Kindle for iPhone"?) reading enjoyment as well.Some of the niftier features of Kindle for iPhone include bookmarking capabilities (convenient when certain books like chapter divisions), and the ability to increase or decrease the font a couple of sizes in each direciton. Plus, with the WhisperSync feature, your Kindle app will keep track of where you left off in your book, magazine, etc. the last time you stop reading. And people who own both the actual Kindle (or Kindle 2) device can sync it up with their iPhone version so their reading material can flow uninterrupted from one device to the other depending upon which one happens to be on hand.In the way of kinks still needing some ironing out--browsing Amazon's Kindle book selection is not easy easily navigable and user-friendly as it should be.

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